I tried, I did, but none of you will read the stupid thing, so if anyone knows how to get this thread closed please help. I wanted to leave this open for people to get their bells and all that jazz but I want you all to stop freaking commenting on this. I explained myself, many times, and you just keep saying the same thing. I use end session. It's better. I know this. For many reasons. I just didn't know you could at first. And it wasn't what I was asking in the thread. It was just a title, for the comment I made, and then I asked a question unrelated. I answered and re-posted, explaining all that again and again so just stop. But I don't know why I'm even typing this because you guys don't seem to read them anyway.
Someone please just close the thread if you know how because I don't but this is just annoying now. Thank you
Someone please just close the thread if you know how because I don't but this is just annoying now. Thank you
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