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Why do people reset their towns?


average beaver leader
Oct 25, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Easter Egg
Candy Easter Egg
Jingle Christmas Doll
Lately, I've seen a lot of people resetting their towns! I can sort of see the appeal, I really hate the set up of my town, and all my dreamy villagers have moved into the worst spots...I am pretty annoyed with my game but I don't think that that's enough to make me want to reset. I feel like if I ever lost Bunnie, my favourite villager, moved out because I missed a week of playing or something, then I might do it.

But if you have reset, what made you do it? Is it really hard to get back to where you were? I mean so much of the stuff in Animal Crossing is time based that I feel it would take so long to get all of your stores and pwps?
the first time i ever reset was after i took an almost year long hiatus from my game. i took the hiatus in the first place because all my villagers were in terrible spots and i lost a lot of ones i loved, i put my campsite in an equally terrible spot, and i just hated the map. i do miss it as it was my first ever town, but i'm really glad i reset.

in my other towns, i've reset because i thought i liked the map, then realized it wouldn't work with anything i wanted to do landscaping-wise. the most recent time was because there was a tON of rocks, and some were even in pairs of two right next to each other. it was making the task of laying down paths impossible and i just decided i could find something better.

you'd actually be surprised though; between regular towns & cycling towns i've reset tons of times, and once you get into the rhythm of things it doesn't take that long to unlock the shops. pwp's are a different story, though. :s​
I did it because my favorite villager moved out on a TT accident. That was what I got for not listening to Doc Brown. And the new town never got half of what the old town had because it isn't as much fun to collect things the second time around imo.
i would personally never reset my town... i have just worked so hard on it and i love it a lot, even though it's not a perfect layout and stuff liek that. i have almost all pwps and i'd never have the energy to get them all again ahah
I did it because my favorite villager moved out on a TT accident. That was what I got for not listening to Doc Brown. And the new town never got half of what the old town had because it isn't as much fun to collect things the second time around imo.

this is the exact thing that happened to me... damn tt-ing is pretty scary
I reset my first town because I had a good layout & great villagers, but I hated where my house was. I didn't know about resetting so my villagers were all in bad places too. I got a second cartridge & reset until I found a good layout & moved all my favorite villagers over to it. Now I'm super happy with everything in my town. I've had this town for about 18 months & probably will keep it until this fall.
I resetted when I made a mistake with permanent PWPs or the path just didn't work out and I didn't enjoy the town map as much as I thought I would.
There's really not a whole lot of progress in a game like this except for shops and your house. I'm not level 50 nor have rare limited items.
And I won't play ACNL forever, so I don't see a point in sticking to a town I don't enjoy and dislike playing because I hate seeing my town map 24/7 while playing. I'm fairly certain I won't be a daily player anymore in 1-3 years.
And when I pick it up after a longtime hiatus, I might still enjoy the map or I don't.
On another note though, if there was a spinoff game named Happy Town Designer I could work with any map any day.
But if I can't change it it needs to be perfect to me.
When I made my first town I was a noob to the game so I did a lot of things wrong: put my house, permanent PWPs etc in bad spots, mediocre town name, didn't plot reset, didn't map reset... I didn't know a lot of things. After keeping the town for over a year, I reset.
The second town I reset was one I made little to no progress on that I simply reset because I wanted to participate in the 1 Year Challenge.
I usually reset my town when I grow bored of a town or I find some aspect of the town unbearable (some villager placement or the town fruit, for instance).
I have a obsession with reseting my towns, but next time I start up the game and find a new town I am forcing myself to keep it no matter what.

most people do not like how there town in is (Manly the reason why-for me at least)
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. There are lots of reasons to restart: You don't like the map, you chose bad spots to place permanent PWPs, you've completed your town, boredom... I get bored, which is why I have a second copy that I reset every couple of months.
it's not necessarily hard to get back to where i was as long as i brought a couple million bells with me. i reset because i really hated my town layout and mayors name. plus, some permanent public work projects were in really bad spots
i've actually never reset a town on nl before. i decided to get a second copy of nl instead of resetting lumatown because i've made so much progress in that town and have all my favourite villagers.

but now that i have a second town, i just know that it's going to be way better than lumatown will ever be because of the mistakes i made in lumatown back when i was a noob to nl. it makes me wonder if i should've resetted lumatown after all.
For somebody like me who isn't good at all with forward planning, town resetting is the perfect option.
Unfortunately I really left it too late, I don't like my layout at all and my permanent PWP's could have been much better placed had I thought a bit more about it, I just have far too much stuff and pretty much keeping all my villagers now for a long time (hopefully) so it wouldn't be worth it for me anymore. The bad would outweigh all the work I've done.

Can definitely see the appeal though. If I ever get to a stage where I feel I've done all I can possibly do in this town, I will give my villagers away and start over. And I will definitely be more forward thinking and reset until I have the perfect layout and perfect villager house placements!
Eh, I find it very addicting, but I'm doing too well to reset Heaven, which I just got 1/19/2016.
I restart my town because i was really upset about the layout and whatever i tried to do with it, it didn't look right at all. I'm thinking about restarting again, because i simply, am getting bored of my town now.
I had the perfect town of all perfect towns...or so I thought. The RESET CENTER was in a place where I wanted to plant some trees but I couldn't because of Resetti so I updated my dream address one last time and then reset.
people are always making posts about resetting their towns. they get bored and don't have the committment to work with the challanges the game sets up for them.

i never reset my original town. i took the first map, never demolished my house. i played with the idea of resetting for a bit but I thought "ill my work: encyclopedia, museum, and badges...would disappear..." And for what? Aesthetic reasons? for a perfect map or a specific fruit? I can always make my town look cute and fun and semi control villagers and placements...i can work with what i have. That's what will make it unique and thoughtful. and my town has evolved so much. i don't play anymore but when i was on top of it it was pretty cute!

Resetting is a waste of time and will prob make you frustrated for other reasons imho. But in the end this is just my opinion and to each their own. I understand it can be exciting to have a brand new town and start over.
I reset my town because, although I had 8/10 of my dreamies, I absolutely hated it.

Firstly, I picked the name "Pallet" of all things. Secondly, I had next to no consideration of permanent PWPs and house placements- I couldn't be bothered to plot reset at all- all I actually wanted was the villager itself- which is exactly how my favourite ever villager moved in literally the worst possible spot. I began getting lazy too and ended up placing items on the ground in town, instead of in my cupboards/inventory. Enventually I began losing everything and my town was a mess. I needed to restart.

It's actually much easier to restart when someone holds a villager for you. That way you know that very villager still exists. While it's very hard to press "That's what I want" to Isabelle, it gives you a rush of excitement. Restarting gives people a fresh start and second chance- a chance to fix the mistakes they made in their earlier town.

That's, why I think, people restart.