Arize from Azulon
I don't know if this is the case now, but I remember a time when people who said their favourite anime was Attack on Titan were judged very badly. As though they were "wannabes" or fake anime fans. There were also a lot of people saying AoT was not a good anime at all and that it was overrated and didn't deserve any of the praise it was getting. But I've recently finished season 3 and honestly? It is seriously the BEST anime I've ever seen. Based on the story, pacing, and action scenes, on top of character development and just over all how much thought was put into the series. It's nothing short of brilliant.. So why all the hate? Why would someone be a fake anime fan for liking this show? I don't really like keeping up with fandoms so I don't know the full reason for so much controversy for AoT or if it's even ongoing. But it's something that went through my mind at the end of this season.. I understand that people have different tastes and some people might not like it. But it is objectively not a bad show at all.. Other shows that are amazing, such as Avatar: The Last Airbender or Breaking Bad hardly ever gets any hate at all (which is good because those shows deserve so much love). So why does AoT get so much negative attention in the anime community when it is just as good and maybe even better than the shows I mentioned?
I just have trouble understanding it and I want to see the perspective of those who think AoT is only for fake anime fans.
I just have trouble understanding it and I want to see the perspective of those who think AoT is only for fake anime fans.