Why does orignal villagers matter to anyone?


Openly Wolfing
Jun 21, 2014
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Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
We all know what while looking at auctions and giveaways people ask "is he orignal" and I've even once saw someone not want lolly because she wasn't orignal! Why does it even matter let's face it were all gonna change things about them and I think that it's better to have a personalized villager that makes them stand out from the rest of the lollys or stitcheses!
Because sometimes people have plans for the inside of the villagers' house and they don't want it full of random stuff. I guess?
My assumption would be that people buying don't want their villager with an "Anyone" shirt or bugs/fish in their house. From my experience, it's pretty difficult to make the villagers replace their pets (fish and bugs) with other furniture, so maybe for the sake of convenience?

It's "Why do original villagers matter to anyone?", by the way.
Some villagers' homes have rare items inside of them, so they might just want to loot their houses. Other than that, I don't get it either :p
I at least prefer to have their shirt original because some shirts look terrible on them and because its so hard to get the original short on them. I like having their catchphrase original because after you change it, they ask you so many times if its ok or not.
I got Fuchsia from a Redditor. I was kinda annoyed at the state of her house at first, but her catchphrase was the same, so I didn't mind that she wasn't original. The other day I was in her house and she starts to tell me that she misses the tune of her old town and then proceeds to hum it to me...the themesong to Game of Thrones xD It was surprising and cute (and I love GoT), so now I'm actually thankful that she wasn't original, otherwise she wouldn't have shared that with me!
I guess the animal becomes more valuable to them? I don't know, I guess some people don't want their house to be ugly and full of fish and bugs so they don't have to fix it. I honestly don't get why people won't take the animal because the catchphrase is different, they can ping you all the time to have you change it. But yeah, I don't see why it's THAT big of a deal.
If its a tier 1 villager, it will usually sell for a high price. Might as well have it in "mint" condition if someone's going to pay the price of a highly wanted villager ^^; That's just how I see it. If I'm buying an expensive rare item on ebay, I'd want to make sure its in mint condition. Why pay so much for a rare item that's altered in any way.
I like to buy original villagers because if they're original then no other mayor has made them into something, I can turn them into forced labor in my sweatshop where I counterfeit royal crowns to sell on the black market. Redd's not the only one who wants to make money.
idk. you can just talk to isabelle and she can reset there shirt and saying to the original so idk man

maybe cuz of the house
If its a tier 1 villager, it will usually sell for a high price. Might as well have it in "mint" condition if someone's going to pay the price of a highly wanted villager ^^; That's just how I see it. If I'm buying an expensive rare item on ebay, I'd want to make sure its in mint condition. Why pay so much for a rare item that's altered in any way.

I mean...there's really no reason for "tier 1" villagers or whatever to even sell at such high prices. The inflation on villagers is insane.
I usually just care about the shirt. As long as it's not the little Duck design or one of the default designs in the Able Sister's shop, I can get over it. It's so hard to get them out of that dang duck shirt... ;D; With furniture, I can always just send them furniture in a letter and they end up using it, so I pretty much still dictate what their house looks like. Mayor = Interior Tyrant.

And this is where people view villagers as items and not characters

I don't see it that way. Some people just like to have the villagers the way they were initially designed without having new catchphrases and stuff. Because, I've adopted some villagers that actually had some inappropriate sayings and greetings. :v

And if people see the villagers as items, it's whatever right? They want a perfect town for them and if that includes "decorating" it with original villagers, who cares? I don't see how that affects anyone else negatively. It's their game, their town, their decision, so...
I see a few reasons: Their house, cause they don't want it all cluttered and stuff. and their clothes and catchphrase may be different and sometimes weird.

Personally I don't why it's such a big deal to some people since they're just going to do the same thing once they move in with you. I don't care what condition they're in. I'd just be happy to get one of my "dreamies". Plus I actually kind of like it when they're not original, as it's kind of fun to see what other people have done with them. ^^
I personally don't care.
I am getting a villager for the villager.
And if there house is a mess, it's fun for me to try to make it how I want it.
I personally don't care.
I am getting a villager for the villager.
And if there house is a mess, it's fun for me to try to make it how I want it.

Preach! I sometimes find different furniture sets that I believe match the villager better than the one they started with.
I prefer getting original villagers because then I can leave my own mark and really make them one of my own, though I'd gladly take an unoriginal villager I just like original ones for that reason.
Hehe, well, it's pretty easy to explain.

People don't want villagers' houses full of fish and bugs or ugly furniture. I guess people want villagers' houses to be original because there's always that one furniture item that people want or people want to loot their houses. I mean, you wouldn't want a villager with a butt shirt on, now, would you?
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I don't want to walk into a villager's house filled with junk.

Or see them wearing ugly able sister shirts.