Why hey there to all the folks~


The weird chick behind you.
Jan 16, 2020
Why a hello to everyone here I suppose!!:blush:
I'm hoping to at last find some players i'm able to play with because in real life i've hardly got many others to play with me at all.... :blush:

I've been awaiting the miraculous "arrival" of the big "Animal Crossing - New Horizons" and have been to eager if you'd ask me!! I really had started off through "Wild World" then I started to play New Leaf and had stayed there until a couple years back and then I started to want to play the new game~ (I also have lost New Leaf twice!!) I saw it was out and really thought it would be very exciting to play!! :blush:

I hope to meet many friends out here so for "the moment my name is Nankurunaisa and I shall give out my name to others in the near future~" :lemon: (i think!!)

I "adore" Sailor Moon, Indie Pop, Indie Rock, Music, Sanrio/Hello Kitty, Tokidoki, Animals, Insects, Fish, Chocolate, Square Enix, Moogles, Chocobos, Asian Pop, Asian Rock and Asian Dramas!! :blush:

Thank you for reading if you have done so~ Its swell to be acquainted with you!!:blush:
Welcome to TBT! Hope you enjoy your time as a member of this wonderful community!