Why the Rev Needs Pokemon


TBT Old Timer
Retired Staff
Jul 31, 2005
Gingerbread House
Gastly Halloweaster Egg
I posted this at Nsider too, just wan tto know what you think...

I'm sure most of you at first are going to come into this thread ready to flame about pokemon.
I'm also sure that most of you who are ready to do so have no good reason whatsoever.

Anyways, the Revolution needs a Pokemon game, and the earlier it arrives, the better - for not only Nintendo, but gamers too. You may think, "Pokemon is past its prime...not just its prime, past the days hwen it can sell." Well, this I can prove wrong with concrete evidence. When's the last time your Nintendo Power's top 3 GBA games didn't include Pokemon Emerald?

Exactly. Pokemon sells great. If you think it's just 8-year-old kids buying those games, you're also wrong. There's no way such a small market could keep a game that high up on any chart for such a long period. It's flat out impossible. There are lots of children buying this game, but there are lots of others too.

Sort of contradicting myself, but in a good way, Pokemon would bring a huge market base to the Rev. Althoguh not just kids buy Pokemon games, lots of them do. Many kids would buy any Pokemon game for Rev, and there's a good chance this would be the reason why they'd want their Rev in the first place (which is why if it's possible at all to release this before holiday season 2006, Nintendo should...only if it's ready of course). Also, if this game had online capabilities, which it possibly could, it would bring lots of younger kids into the online gaming market, which no company has been able to do yet. This would give Nintendo a near-monopoly on the under-12 market. That's a huge advantage when you're looking for a large owner base (and Nintendo is...they know that not having enough owners was an issue with Gamecube).

Think about this - Pokemon MMORPG. Pokemon fan or not, you have to realize how wide the horizon is with this idea. This would take clans to a whole new level. Not only would friends play together, but a world could be constructed. Plsyers could do everything they did in past games (which sold extremely well, by the way). Not only that, they could do so much more with the online availability. They could start their own gym. They could show off their collection to the world. They could partner with friends to create an Elite 4-type system (trainers must defeat certain people's gyms to battle the Elite 4. If they would win, the losing gym leaders / Elite 4 trainers would give them a prize such as a Pokemon, money, or maybe even a custom-designed trophy - more on that later).

The collection possibilities are endless also. Since people would desing custom badges and trophies to give out to challengers at their own gym, people could show off their custom-designed badges / trophies from gyms from across the land in their own customizable room (similar to Pokemon Stadium 2). They could leave some of their Pokemon in their room, which friends could enter and play or train with.

The possibilities are endless for a Pokemon REV game. It would not only sell a lot of Revs and copies of the game, it would be one of the best games of all time.

If Pokemon went into wifi, the possibitlies would be endless!!!!!

Here would be some of my ideas:

- ID cards, there are the ones there are now...but...they could be better, and I think that trainers could look at eachothers' ID info

- Better Graphics, can you imagine the graphics on Rev!!!!!!! The battles could be like Pokemon Stadium/Colosseum type, but way better graphics!

- Tournaments!!!! The world of pokemon could actually have tournaments that everyone has a chance at

- Talking, maybe not as good as ACWW but....still....

*and many more things!*
PKMNMasterSamus said:
If Pokemon went into wifi, the possibitlies would be endless!!!!!

Here would be some of my ideas:

- ID cards, there are the ones there are now...but...they could be better, and I think that trainers could look at eachothers' ID info

- Better Graphics, can you imagine the graphics on Rev!!!!!!! The battles could be like Pokemon Stadium/Colosseum type, but way better graphics!

- Tournaments!!!! The world of pokemon could actually have tournaments that everyone has a chance at

- Talking, maybe not as good as ACWW but....still....

*and many more things!*
I love the tournament idea...
Also, peopel could talk on headsets...
wait...so you do like at least the games of pokemon which is mainly what pokemon is so therefore you like pokemon right?

Well I like the games too, a MMORPG would be theroxxors.