Why won’t villagers move in?


Junior Member
Mar 14, 2021
So basically I still have my starter villagers, (Rocket and Mac), and I’m not that early into the game, I just built my nooks cranny and museum. Anyway, I went and bought a nook mile ticket and flew to an island and there was a villager who I really liked, so I asked her to my island. She said she was coming, and then I cleared the island and flew back home. Then fast forward to today, 6 days later, and she still hasn’t arrived! This morning I bought a new ticket and flew to another island, and there was another villager who was ok, and invited him to my island. I’ll reply in a few days as an update to see what happens, but if you might know why or how to solve it, please say.
So basically I still have my starter villagers, (Rocket and Mac), and I’m not that early into the game, I just built my nooks cranny and museum. Anyway, I went and bought a nook mile ticket and flew to an island and there was a villager who I really liked, so I asked her to my island. She said she was coming, and then I cleared the island and flew back home. Then fast forward to today, 6 days later, and she still hasn’t arrived! This morning I bought a new ticket and flew to another island, and there was another villager who was ok, and invited him to my island. I’ll reply in a few days as an update to see what happens, but if you might know why or how to solve it, please say.
Have you continued the "story" to the point where you have put down the plots for them to move in to?

People won't move to your island without you having put down a plot for them.
So basically I still have my starter villagers, (Rocket and Mac), and I’m not that early into the game, I just built my nooks cranny and museum. Anyway, I went and bought a nook mile ticket and flew to an island and there was a villager who I really liked, so I asked her to my island. She said she was coming, and then I cleared the island and flew back home. Then fast forward to today, 6 days later, and she still hasn’t arrived! This morning I bought a new ticket and flew to another island, and there was another villager who was ok, and invited him to my island. I’ll reply in a few days as an update to see what happens, but if you might know why or how to solve it, please say.
You need to place down the plots of the homes and then give it items that it needs in order for the villagers to move in.
Talk to Nook to get house plots and place them so the villager can move in.

If you invited more than one, then they should move into the plots in the same order of them being invited.

Once they claim a plot, you'll need to craft furniture for them, this applies only to the first 3 villagers.

As you progress further, there is a mandatory move in from your first camper.

After that its free reign to go to islands and invite whoever you like, purchase plots and they'll move in the next day after claiming it.
For the first three plots you will be able to invite 3 villagers before you place the plots - a normal a lazy and a peppy. These 3 villagers will always move in in the same order, regardless of the order you invite them - the lazy, then the peppy, then the normal (I think this is the order, though I may have peppy and normal reversed).

once you have laid the plots there will be instructions on what items to make and either place near the plot or put into a drop box.

after all the items for a plot have been placed/ deposited then the villager should be able to move in. As far as I am aware they will always move in in the order of the plots (which are numbered 1-2-3) and so I believe you have to complete each plot in order to move in your villagers.

After the first 3 villagers you invite keep in mind that unless you have an empty plot on your island (And only after you invite your first camper) no villagers will appear on mystery islands. And you can only invite one villager per day, so if you place multiple plots at once there is a high chance of them being randomly filled.
The villagers will still come to your island, once you put down plots. But thats only if its the first three

Thanks everyone for the info, I understand about what’s happening now, I was clearly just being a bit unconscious about what was going on.

Also, today when I went on, Tom Nook was discussing about villagers moving in once I put down a bridge, and I think that might also be a reason why they wouldn’t move in.

Another thing is that, thank you, WailaeNoRei (Sorry if I did it wrong) said about a normal, a peppy and a lazy villager will move in, and I’m not sure if the game will invite those villagers or the ones I invited from the islands.

Thanks, that’s exactly what I wanted! I did invite 3 villagers, and as I said I really liked them so that makes me happy I’m going to get them on my island.