Why You Want Your Dreamies?


Part of your imagination
Jun 20, 2016
Post here why you want your Dream villagers!

Gladys; She was nice in an old town, and always very polite. She's also really cute!

Bruce; He was in my beloved town of Sycamore, and he's also my birthday buddy.

Kiki; Kiki actually has a lot of value to me. One of my aunts was nicknamed Aunt Kiki, but she later was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and later died of heart failure. Add to the fact that she loved cats and drawing them too, and you will realize why I love Kiki so much.

Elmer; I love horses, and this is probably the color horse I would want, and the name too. Even his eyes are cute though he looks like he was punched in the face!

Simon; We play Simon Says after our classes, and I win. A lot. Every single time...

Antonio; From 3rd-5th grade there was a boy in my 8 other people besides me class named Anthony. He had some... anger management issues, but he still was a nice kid (and I didn't have a crush on him, haha). I could've actually gotten Colton to remember him (since his Japanese name translates to Anthony), but even though I really like Colton, I believe Antonio was a better way to remember him.

Dotty; Just general cuteness factor.

Kidd; I am nearing my teenage years, so what better way to remember my childhood then have a goat literally named Kidd?


I usually pick my villagers that try to match the theme of my town. Bespin is my only town that has my ultra favorite villagers.
I pick really girlie, cutsie things ;-; just a habit really. It kind of bothers me that some of them are "snooty" because I also like the ones that I feel fit my personality, but I try to mostly ignore that fact.
My second town is quite simple, I want the more creepy-looking villagers due to the haunted theme I'm going for. However, my first and main town is more complicated:

Cookie; She was my childhood favorite. I've always wanted her due to nostalgic reasons, and I have not had her since the Gamecube version. I remember in City Folk I would continuously go in and out of the buildings in the City to refresh the characters roaming around to try and find Cookie. I did once, but never saw her again until New Leaf by trade. I've never been the girly type, but something about Cookie spoke to my four year old mind. She holds a special place in my heart and probably always will.

Pierce; Another character that I want for nostalgic reasons. He has been in every single town I've owned. Gamecube, Wild World, City Folk, and was not surprisingly one of the first five original members of my New Leaf town. I could never get rid of him, and so he grew on me. Especially in City Folk. Him and Cookie are my top two ultimate favorite villagers and I love them so much.

Apollo; Because I loved Pierce so much, I started liking the eagles a lot more. This year I found out that Apollo's birthday was on July 4th, and that won me over. How convenient that the only character to have a birthday on the fourth of July is a bald eagle?

Ankha; Let's be real here, her design catches everyone's eye. I love it so much, not to mention the design of her house. She was in my campsite not too long ago, but I was pissed since Apollo had just moved in the day before, making him my 10th villager. Ankha's personality is also pretty great, and I feel like her voice matches it perfectly.

Tom; I had him in my first City Folk town as an original member and he ended up being one of the closer villagers to me, probably because I liked him most. Th cranky villagers are always funnier (at times) and I loved the way his face matched that cranky vibe. He's also an amazing shade of blue, which is my favorite color. He's here to stay.

Curlos; He was the first person to move into my New Leaf town, and for some reason he never wanted to leave. Then my character and him got really close, and he hosted my birthday party, and I just cannot find the heart to have him move. He's really cool too, always dancing and rising the mood. So what if he's tier 5? He's tier 1 in my world.

Whitney; I never knew I really wanted her until I had her. Someone was giving her away for free, and I had extra room so I figured, "why not?" When she moved in, I saw her up close and fell in love. Whitney's vibe is sassy yet very friendly, and I like it. She's only been in my town a few weeks but every day I get closer to her and I finally decided that she's here to stay. Her house layout is pretty cool too, although she changed into this shirt that is kinda...bleh. But that can change.

Muffy; She wasn't originally a dreamie, but she turned into one for a couple of reasons. For one, I just ADORED her house. It looks amazing (if only she wouldn't keep trading out that damn Rococco sofa for random stuff). Another, and one of the bigger reasons, is because she came from my best friend's town. My best friend had taken a long hiatus off of New Leaf, so she never new that Muffy came and left. She Muffy showed up in my town, telling me she came from OneDire (her town), I told my friend and we had a couple laughs saying that she looked like an emo Baarbra and that she wanted her back. Muffy never asked to move until I grew to love her, and now she's here forever.

Flurry; When I first saw Flurry, she immediately reminded me of my hamster Timber. Timber was a winter-white hamster and was by far the closest pet (besides my dog) I've ever had, despite all of the other pets I've had before him. Timber was amazing and it broke my heart to find that he had passed one day. It's been over a year without him, and Flurry just gives me that almost satisfaction of having him back.

Lobo; Remember that best friend I was talking about earlier? We exchange a lot of villagers unknowingly (I guess the void like to switch us) and Lobo was one of the ones that showed up in my town after moving from hers. Although I was quite mad at him for moving right in the middle of a flower patch (but that doesn't beat Apollo moving right in front of my house in my path and flowers), he ended up staying because of his personality and looks.
my reason for wanting my dreamies really aren't as deep. its just because of their looks since dialogue isn't really diverse in this game.
I want my dreamies because I used to have them and really got attached to them. First I have to admit it was based on looks but the more villagers I got, i found out which ones I really liked. On the other hand, there were some I thought I would love, like ankha, but we just didnt connect. I know they all have the same dialigue but particular villagers just feel right. I can't explain it haha. But all of my dreamies were my babies in my last town and I just want them back!<3 Once I get them all then I can also start working on pwp's and then lay paths and fix my town. All my dreamies just make me happy which I think should be involved when choosing dreamies:)
I like whatever villagers blend in with my other villagers the best. Most of the time, I just get attached to whatever villagers move in and don't have a ton of dreamies.