WiFi connection suddenly stopped working


Retired Staff
Dec 9, 2005
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I haven't played the Wii (or even been on it) for like...a month or two now. I finally went to plug it back in today, and the internet connection no longer works...

(And just in time for Brawl. >.>)

Is it possible that the long pause of time from when I last played the Wii has something to do with this? Does it like...need time to re-connect or something? I'm thinking thats a no, but it's worth asking.

Otherwise, I think I'm just gonna' go buy one of those USB-WiFi connector...things.
Seriously? So maybe I don't have to buy some USB connector thing? This could be a problem multiple people are having?
I'd personally love a wireless router, my Nintendo USB Connector used to always fool up.
if you have a wireless internet router in your house it could be too far from the wii.
sometimes happens to me but i don't know if that is your problem
I think the problem is local, test the connections (if the Wii has something like that). I don't know how much you know about your wireless network, but I can assure you that it has nothing to do with people in Japan.
Whats wierd is my iPod Touch's internet hasn't worked for a while either.

So this means there's something screwed up with my WiFi connection?

BTW, Xbox Live works perfectly (But that isn't wifi, is it? I dunno', I'm such a n00b. >.<)