Yup, I wanna wifi!

I don't think I'll be able to for long, and I have a few 'rules' kinda...
I'd rather have Wii Speak OFF please.
Actually that's just one rule :/
Anyway, my info is on my profile too but I'll give you it here: Town Name: Lolita* (Now, this is weird. The name doesn't have a * on the end but a star, you can find it on the symbols menu) Name: Rocket Code: 0004-0023-9355
I am from Europe by the way so time might be an issue.
Oh yeah, could I visit your town? And apart from my fruit which I can't really remember, I don't have much to offer, I LITERALLY just moved in!
Anyway thanks, let me know if you're interested.
Now to add you! ~