Does anyone have a wardrobe? If so, can i come over to your town?
You could either GIVE ME :veryhappy: The wardrobe for which I will be bothe amazed and grateful, OR just let me put it in my inventory, then drop it, as then it will be in my cataloque and i can order it from there, so, if you have ANY type of wardrobe or...thing you can store things in, can I come to your town and do one of the two above things? My house is getting really messie cause of all the stuff i keep getting...
You could either GIVE ME :veryhappy: The wardrobe for which I will be bothe amazed and grateful, OR just let me put it in my inventory, then drop it, as then it will be in my cataloque and i can order it from there, so, if you have ANY type of wardrobe or...thing you can store things in, can I come to your town and do one of the two above things? My house is getting really messie cause of all the stuff i keep getting...