It's been a very long time since I last played Wild World, but I felt like revisiting the game, so I've made a new town which I've named Wisteria. Unlike my New Leaf journal, where I'm doing dailyish updates for the time being, Wild World will probably be a weekly journal. My goal is to play it for a bit at least once a week, but even if I play multiple days during a week, I'll probably still just combine the days into one entry for the week.
After chatting with Kapp'n for a bit, he dropped me off in the town of Wisteria.
I checked out my humble abode, and upon leaving leaving was met by Tom Nook who informed me of my debt. He also said I could come work at his shop to help pay some of it off.
Cherries are the fruit native to Wisteria, and they're my favorite Animal Crossing fruit, so that was a pleasant discovery.
I decided I might as well get to work. After I changed into my uniform and freed up some space in my inventory, Tom Nook had me doing various tasks. I had to plant trees and flowers, introduce myself to the villagers and Mayor Tortimer, make deliveries, write and send a letter, and make a post on the bulletin board.
But finally my work was done, and I received some compensation for my labor.
After that I sold some cherries and shells before heading to bed.
Woke up and said hi to Drake.
Tom Nook told me about the Happy Room Academy, I sold him some more cherries, and I bought a fishing rod.
I went out to go test out my new rod, but I ran into Dr. Shrunk on the way, and he taught me how to express shyness.
After that I went fishing and caught and olive flounder and a barred knifejaw, both of which I donated to the museum. I also stopped by the café for a cup of coffee.
I got a letter from the HRA.
To finish things off, I went shopping and bought some new clothes!
Week One
After chatting with Kapp'n for a bit, he dropped me off in the town of Wisteria.
I checked out my humble abode, and upon leaving leaving was met by Tom Nook who informed me of my debt. He also said I could come work at his shop to help pay some of it off.
Cherries are the fruit native to Wisteria, and they're my favorite Animal Crossing fruit, so that was a pleasant discovery.
I decided I might as well get to work. After I changed into my uniform and freed up some space in my inventory, Tom Nook had me doing various tasks. I had to plant trees and flowers, introduce myself to the villagers and Mayor Tortimer, make deliveries, write and send a letter, and make a post on the bulletin board.
But finally my work was done, and I received some compensation for my labor.
After that I sold some cherries and shells before heading to bed.
Woke up and said hi to Drake.

Tom Nook told me about the Happy Room Academy, I sold him some more cherries, and I bought a fishing rod.

I went out to go test out my new rod, but I ran into Dr. Shrunk on the way, and he taught me how to express shyness.

After that I went fishing and caught and olive flounder and a barred knifejaw, both of which I donated to the museum. I also stopped by the café for a cup of coffee.

I got a letter from the HRA.

To finish things off, I went shopping and bought some new clothes!