oh sorry i was doing sum stuff imma get in nowsoda531 said:I registered you, and my gates open
akania if ur going to sodas town can u gimme some peaches??Akiana said:Are you still on?
I'll trade 3 apples and 3 peaches for 6 oranges?
I'd prefer if I could go to your town also.
I can give you 3 peaches if you give me 3 pears?xYoh said:akania if ur going to sodas town can u gimme some peaches??Akiana said:Are you still on?
I'll trade 3 apples and 3 peaches for 6 oranges?
I'd prefer if I could go to your town also.
sure imma goo asapAkiana said:I can give you 3 peaches if you give me 3 pears?xYoh said:akania if ur going to sodas town can u gimme some peaches??Akiana said:Are you still on?
I'll trade 3 apples and 3 peaches for 6 oranges?
I'd prefer if I could go to your town also.
If that's ok with you?