Will we get DIYs for the Festivale items?

I'm thinking there may be a DIY set/collection available at Nook's Cranny some time around the day of the event (probably after), just like there was for Turkey Day and other events. That is, assuming there are items to craft for Festivale...
I'm thinking there may be a DIY set/collection available at Nook's Cranny some time around the day of the event (probably after), just like there was for Turkey Day and other events. That is, assuming there are items to craft for Festivale...
I think the question is will we be able to craft the items we currently can buy from the store.

IDK if we will or not, but boy do I hope so!
I hope so... But i did see a youtube video from someone who was able to play festivale or at least got information about the actual day?? He stated that you catch feathers. For exapmle, you catch a red feather, give it to pave for red furinture. If you want rainbow, you have to use a diy for a rainbow feather which takes one of each color of feather. Then, you use the rainbow feathers to customize your items you already have, or you can give the rainbow feather to pave for rainbow furinture. The second is a little faster when you want multiple rainbow items.
Honestly, I have a feeling there won't be any DIYs for the Festivale furniture, as it hasn't been brought up in the datamines. The only DIYs that were mentioned were the Mermaid Fence and the Rainbow Feather.
Okay I hate to say this but according to some people who managed to get into the event they say there is only one DIY. I won't spoil what it is but sadly it seems like the only way to get the Festival items is to give Pave feathers to get them. Similar to how it was in City Folk and New Leaf. There seems to be no DIYS for these items. It sucks honestly.
I wonder why no DIYs aside from one? All of the other events like Bunny Day, Halloween, Turkey Day, and Toy Day had them also being able to be crafted. I want to use this set around my island, but I don't know how many of each item I'll need and don't want to hoard them. At least Wedding Season gave you a month to collect the furniture. Very disappointing.
Unpopular opinion, I don't really think it matters. the DIYs would likely be crafted with feathers, which means you would still only have one day to collect them. this way at least it's only 1 feather per piece of furniture, imagine if the diys took like 5 feathers. no one would have enough feathers to craft anything anyways.
This all makes sense. Bummer. Of course, this is more like the original Festivale. You only got the furniture on that day as well. I will be catching lots of feathers on Festivale!
Does anyone know if Pave will give duplicates? Or will he only give one of each item? I may create new accounts just to get more items if he’ll only give one.
I'm kinda disappointed they did this tbh, I was hoping the items would be something we could craft year around, similar to how they did the Turkey Day DIYs.
I mean I understand the need for feathers, but still..

Yeah if we had DIYs we could craft the Festivale items whenever we wanted, provided enough materials, in this case feathers. Well, this only encourages me to TT to get more duplicates. Oh the irony...
The one set I really like and will likely use on my island doesn't get DIYs. Of course.

At least that means I won't mind the duplicates too much.
The data mines havent shown any new DIY packs in the new item list. There are two new DIYs in the game. 1 is the Mermaid Fence, the other is a Festivale item Pave gives you
Happy if it's true about no DIYS.

Back to regular items.

The way AC should be.
Pretty sure we will get DIY because the Halloween stuff was sold at Nooks throughout October, but you also got DIY from the balloons, villagers, and some of the remainder from Jack. This time it's just with Pave. Or maybe some balloons have the Pave set. I honestly haven't been testing/checking to see if this is the case.