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Will you be resetting for the update?


Oct 16, 2021
Sautéed Mushrooms
do you plan on restarting your island for the upcoming update? if so, what will you name your new island and will it have a theme?

i’m personally excited to start fresh and enjoy the game from the beginning again, alongside all of the new content as it is introduced. i’m also considering trying to play the game slowly with no time travel and no treasure islands, which may be difficult but hopefully worth it!
Nah. I consider the new update a continuation of my adventure on my island. I wouldn't want to waste all the effort I've had now, especially when we get a sequel to my adventure.
I'm way too attached to my island to restart it now. I've accomplished so much with collecting DIYs and flower breeding... Not to mention decorating the island, terraforming, and getting my house just right. After all, I also started my island the very night the game came out.

Honestly though, besides all the sentimental feelings I have for my island, imagining having to recollect all the DIYs feels nightmarish!
I restarted a few days ago, so that is actually good timing. The beginning of the game is very slow, but I think I should be good by the time the update drops (although my shop won't be expanded which I hope won't make too much of a difference). I guess all the new content will add to the experience, so I'm really looking forward to that. If I hadn't already resetted, maybe the update would have been the last push to do so. Within the last year I had no motivation to play the game "as intended" and regretted all of the time traveling after a while, but with all that new stuff to do, I hope to really be able to enjoy the island experience.

If anything though, knowing about the update makes me feel better about restarting - that was a bit of a rushed decision and I can't say I'm 100% happy with it yet.
I've had my island from day 1 so no. But there are sections of my island I definitely plan on redoing
I won’t be restarting either of my islands. I will be changing them . My first islands to find space for a farm since we have new crops. My second island has a farm but it is now to small. So I need to move it to a bigger area that I didn’t know what to do with,
I am restarting because I wanted a fancy island for the OLED transfer (fell out of love with the old theme and name), and now I can relax a little because of the update. Like the Nook items don't matter anymore when we can dye them.
I don't think I'll reset, but with two more inclines and the permanent ladder feature added there will definitely be areas that I'll completely re-do.
I’ve already reset my island a few months back so obviously my answer is yes LOL. I’ve completed majority of my old island anyway and if I hadn’t reset, I wouldn’t be able to participate in TBT ACNH decorating events since my island is very “niche” in its theme. Obviously the cons is that my old island won’t be able to enjoy the quality-of-life updates, but it’s fine, I’m really excited to cater my new island towards the update. I would rather re-catalog diys and things on a new island (the stress is part of the experience for me, haha) than flatten an island I had already worked a lot on and am satisfied with. I also love all the villagers in my old island, so I can go ham inviting new villagers in my new island. With the update, I have a lot of plans for my new island that I couldn’t execute in my old island due to limited space, so I‘m really really excited!
No, I would have considered it if not for the recipe situation but even then I don't think I would. I'm too attached to it and most of my villagers. That being said it's highly likely I will flatten and I would have not said that before the 2.0 Direct.
I just reset a couple weeks ago to start on a new island so I guess it’s just in time for the update. :)
im currently in the process of making a cozy fall themed island but i havent really had any motivation for a month now so i will definitely reset for the update! all the new items, customisations and such really gave me a lot of new inspiration :D im thinking of making a magical/dreamy theme inspired by shino bc i am in LOVE with them <33
I was seriously thinking about resetting, but I've had too much time invested in my island. Instead, I plan on deleting some PCs I 've made and creating new ones for the update...but keeping the island rep so the island I've had since launch doesn't go away. I have 5 PCs currently on my island, so doing away with 4 of them wouldn't hurt my overall progress. I do plan on extensive remodelling though. With this update more ideas will pop in my head and so my current layout simply won't do.
I have a lot of happy memories and momentos on my island from playing with friends so I'm not gonna reset, but I did find a tip from someone today. They said that if you've been feeling bored with nh or haven't played in a long time then it's a good idea to choose a niche theme that nobody's done so you can get creative. I really think I'm gonna try this
I definitely considered it right after the direct, and sort of still am now, but I think I might at least try and work with what I've got first. I reset a few months back when I didn't really have the motivation to fully invest in an island, so all the progress I have feels a little half hearted and I'm not really sure where I want to take sections of my island/what I want to do with them. on the other hand, it was frustrating enough having to start from scratch with no diys/furniture/clothing etc that time, so I don't really want to take myself all the way back to square one when there are so many cool decorating opportunities right around the corner. I think I'd rather spend this time trying to bring my current island up to the level of people who've kept their islands this whole time, rather than resetting and having to bring an island back to the point my current one is at now
Definitely not. My island was extremely empty and ugly anyways so I just destroyed everything after the Nintendo Direct, and then finally started building something decent after more than a year of not doing anything. So right now my island is still very much empty, so there's no point in resetting for me!
Ive had every single title of AC since gamecube and i never felt the reason to reset any of my towns/island, ive always felt like the amount of time i put in to my places to get the characters i enjoy and the landscape i want. I couldnt imagine reseting 800+ hours on New Leaf or 700+ on New Horizons id be heartbroken.
I can't part with my villagers and the thought of collecting all the diys and furniture again, as well as completing the museum isn't exactly enticing to me..

I'll just "soft-reset" by completely remodelling my entire island. I'll move everybody to the beach, tear down all the rivers and cliffs, etc... And start from scratch.
I gotta start grinding bells, though... This is going to be very expensive. Moving all the villagers alone will require 1,000,000 bells.
Add another 300,000 for the facilities, and 60'000 for my own house... Nevermind all the inclines and bridges...
Welp, suddenly, 3 weeks seem very short. :p
Nope, I hate resetting because I get too attached to what I currently have. During New Leaf I just ended up getting a second copy so I could start over without losing anything. It's too bad the only way to do that here is get a second Switch system...