Buying wishlist items


hi im ashley
Jun 6, 2015
100% (31) +
hi everyone! looking for these items in the link here
i posted a thread like this before but i went
afk for a while

looking to catalog or buy any items (not recipes - theres accidentally some in the list though)
preferably with igb or tbt!!
tysm :)
hi! i can get you the following;

crafted barbed-wire fence (2 tbt per stack)
as many crafted bonfires as you want (2 tbt each)
as many crafted brick ovens as you want (2 tbt each)
as many crafted brick wells as you want (2 tbt each)
as many crafted clotheslines as you want (2 tbt each)
crafted corral fence (2 tbt per stack)
as many crafted grass standees as you want (2 tbt each)
as many crafted green-leaf piles as you want (2 tbt each)
as many crafted log stakes as you want (2 tbt each)
as many crafted log stools as you want (2 tbt each)
as many crafted plain wooden shop signs as you want (2 tbt each)
as many crafted stalls as you want (2 tbt each)
as many crafted wild log benches as you want (2 tbt each) :)
Hi! I have the following DIYs for 2 tbt each unless noted otherwise:
- beekeepers hive
- bonsai shelf 5 tbt
- crescent moon chair 10 tbt
- garden wagon 3 tbt
- green leaf pile 5 tbt
- lily record player
- log stakes
- log stool
- plain wooden shop sign