Trading Wolfgang for Flurry


Jul 9, 2013
0% (0) +
Hello ! :)

First, I'm french canadian, so my english might be horrible, I'm sorry for that.

Second, I'm new here and I'm not so sure about the worth of both of these villagers, one of them might be more worthy than the other, correct me if it's the case.

Soooo I think the title says it all, I wanna trade Wolfgang (who is moving tommorow, in boxes today) for the little Flurry, who is MY dream villager (I already had her but she moved). :(

Thank you, have a great evening. :)
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Oh I'm surprised, on the french forum I usually frequent, Flurry is a lot more popular !

Thank you for the answer. :)
It will take a long time so I guess I should just keep the clock at the same day until I find someone with Flurry.

I hope it won't be so long... :(
I have Flurry but I'm not interested in Wolfgang... >_<
Are you sure you only want Flurry? People may want Wolfgang and may offer bells and DLCs for her~
PixQc is a nice person, I know him from another forum and he's desperately looking for her :)
Good luck !
Free bump !
(also I think you should read the rules, something is written about bumping)