Wondering how Splatoon's future affects Animal Crossing


Senior Member
Jan 29, 2014
As confirmed by Miyamoto who said that Splatoon came from Animal Crossing's core (http://animalcrossingworld.com/2014/06/core-animal-crossing-team-members-working-splatoon-wii-u/) only by watching the credits, and seeing the same names, it brings up an interesting situation. In Japan Splatoon has just been killing it. It's shot the Wii U to the stars in sales, set to possibly have its highest selling year ever this financial year (ends March 31) in Japan. It's been pushing the Wii U when the Wii U looked deader than a door-nail. They even had a concert to celebrate its 1 millionth sale in Japan:

So, this bring an interesting dilemma for Animal Crossing fans. The more the core is taken away for other projects like this, the longer between games, and the more likely we are to see games like last year which didn't have hardly any development time put into them, or in the case of Amiibo Cash-grab, I mean Festival, deferred to subsidiaries like ND Cube (http://animalcrossingworld.com/2015...-nd-cube-makers-of-mario-party-and-wii-party/).

So, another Splatoon game means more people taken away from Animal Crossing. Sure, people can work on multiple projects at once, but that usually means longer between them and fewer per generations- similar to one Mario Kart and one Smash per generation. Splatoon continuing on means it's likely only 1 per generation, and Animal Crossing usually has 1 per generation, but this will almost ensure it. Well, as long as they don't continue with games like Amiibo Cash-grab, I mean Festival. Seriously, 16 amiibo for it? Sure, it's fun, but don't try to convince me this wasn't made to push more amiibo!
if by "generation" you mean years of life/age, there have been all of the animal crossings in my life time ;) however, if you mean console, then most games do only have one instalment per console, because else nowadays with online play you would have split your potential players in half, but i do see your point. i expect there will be an animal crossing game on the wii u, probably in 2017 or 2018, and if not definitely on the much awaited "N X", yet with the wii u's current success, what would be the advantage of releasing another console to combat it's sales?

however, the releasing of the games has slowed down - it took 3-4 years to make wild world, 3-4 to make lets go to the city, 5 to make new leaf.. who knows when we'll get another game?
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