

Junior Member
Sep 30, 2010
Woodland is my second town on ACCF. I decided to restart for one reason, my towns layout was rubbish!
Anyway, Woodland features my main house at the very top left, a currently basementless house with a pond out front, always open to visitors, seats are upstairs as the main room is full of bugs! The other three houses are one floor only, and being used to display, you guessed it, more bugs! Brown roof is beetles, bright green is winged and the other is for the rest. Please feel free to have a look.
The town also sports lots of coconut lined beach, a small island and fully upgraded shop.
The museum has lots of exhibits for you to enjoy.
The native fruit is pears, and we have plenty of coconut trees. Hopefully more fruits soon!
If you want fruit please ask, and please do not take or destroy flowers or trees.
All visitors welcome, pm me or post here if you add my FC and I will do the same for you.