I just got a 95 on the following book report (I'm posting it in case you guys are interested in reading it). This was for a book called "The Red Badge of Courage". Enjoy!
Part A: Character Sketch
Henry, the protagonist of the book, is a young man who has enlisted in the army during the time of the Civil War. He has unrealistic thoughts concerning war, and therefore enlists without giving it a second thought. At the beginning of the book, Henry displays some predominant personality traits: cowardice, egotism, and idealism/naivet
Part A: Character Sketch
Henry, the protagonist of the book, is a young man who has enlisted in the army during the time of the Civil War. He has unrealistic thoughts concerning war, and therefore enlists without giving it a second thought. At the beginning of the book, Henry displays some predominant personality traits: cowardice, egotism, and idealism/naivet