

Co-Founder of TBT
Retired Staff
Dec 2, 2004
I just got a 95 on the following book report (I'm posting it in case you guys are interested in reading it). This was for a book called "The Red Badge of Courage". Enjoy!

Part A: Character Sketch

Henry, the protagonist of the book, is a young man who has enlisted in the army during the time of the Civil War. He has unrealistic thoughts concerning war, and therefore enlists without giving it a second thought. At the beginning of the book, Henry displays some predominant personality traits: cowardice, egotism, and idealism/naivet
[quote="Shadow_] I see, but what an unlucky topic number

:eek: 13113, on Friday the thirteenth

:eek: [/quote]
Meh, you and your superstitions. I am consoled by my grades, regardless of the terror at stake. <3
I'm surprised that a piece this small and relatively undeveloped would be officially assessed. My main problem is how it doesn't provide specific evidence on a number of points. For example:
His third personality trait is idealism. Before enlisting in the army, Henry has unrealistic notions about fighting, which resemble Greek mythology.
How do his notions resemble Greek mythology?
KatzMotel said:
I'm surprised that a piece this small and relatively undeveloped would be officially assessed. My main problem is how it doesn't provide specific evidence on a number of points. For example:
His third personality trait is idealism. Before enlisting in the army, Henry has unrealistic notions about fighting, which resemble Greek mythology.
How do his notions resemble Greek mythology?
That was the main and only complaint of the teacher, that I didn't give enough details. Oh, and it was supposed to be this small and undeveloped; 250 words on part A and 200 words on Part B, although I exceeded those amounts... Even so, it was supposed to be small.

Thanks for the constructive criticism, though.
That's the thing though: it's a bit silly for you to be assessed on something with a word limit that doesn't give you enough room to really explore the various points and issues raised.