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Worst Villager Ever?

I did a quick Google search out of curiosity, and oh my God. What's wrong with his eyes? And lips? That's a living nightmare if I ever saw one.

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I think my theory that all Gorilla villagers in Animal Crossing are terrifying has been proven. Eugh. The pink jumpsuit (and ski goggles?) are absolutely repulsive.

Gorillas are terrifying in all games I think. In Sonic Adventure 2 Battle when you gave them to your Chao and they gained an attribute from the gorilla whey were all repulsive. Nasty hairy arms and monobrows and even ears!

On topic though, my friends and I really hated Cesar in our AC Gamecube town. We tried everything to get him out and were so happy when he left.
Right now, Klaus is a huge pain in the butt. He's a nice animal, and decent looking, but he placed himself in a design "town square" and messed it all up. In fact, through nearly a year of ignoring him, he has been the only one to never say he was leaving. I'm may have to start bopping him with my net soon.

Anhka, I'm not a big fan of at all. Any clown animal needs to get out.
Nate is the worst villager i ever had, for five months he refused to leave, and during that time Snake and Erik, who i would have liked to have as villagers, Ankha, Julian, and Marshal visited my campsite but i couldnt get any of them because he took up my tenth spot. He also placed his house where i was planning to put my second characters house and no matter what i did he refused to leave. I tried being mean to him, pushing him and dropping him in pitfalls, trapping him, hitting him, ignoring him, being friendly, nothing worked for five months. Finally after every other villager i wanted to keep pinged me to move 2-4 times each he pinged me to move, and later pinged me again saying he decided to stay, and i just turned off my 3ds so it wouldnt save.

Nate is also hideous, but Hippeux is the ugliest villager I ever had although he got out pretty quick
She was horrible. I didn't like her aesthetics, but I could have dealt with that.
I mean, I've had Canberra...okay...Canberra and Truffles.

Sylvia, though....
Oh, god she was horrible.
She was rude. She always said the rudest things. I talked to her and talked to her for about a week. She never pinged to move. She never asked me to do any favors. She never did anything to build any sort of friendship. It was horrible. I ended up resetting my town, over her. It's like...I don't know...I can't stand her.
Freya the wolf and Wendy the sheep, it;s because of appearance wise, because I actually really like Wendy. She's a fat, short, blue sheep, what's not to like? And Freya is pink and she's pretty tough, and always tells me she's gonna pick a fight with me whenever I hit her 3x with the net.

They're just really pushing my buttons right now, because Freya is too close to the Town Hall, and Wendy ruined an area I already have completely with black roses, bushes and some famous mushrooms. Not I have to set a bench in the area when she leaves to prevent anyone else from moving the same spot.
Teddy and Tutu. Teddy is very annoying generally and is... Well let's just say he doesn't fit with my cute theme i have going on at the moment! He was a starter in my town and took months and months to leave! Tutu I had in my old town. I had her but she moved to my brothers town (yay) but I had my 16 villager she moved back :( I wasn't happy.
I ship them anyway.
There's a ton of villagers I find the worst, but lately villagers that moved into my town that I didn't want due to someone not voiding their villager are the biggest ones I find the worst. For example: Jitters and Rowan. Jitters is ok, but I never wanted him. Luckily he moved not too long ago and now FINALLY Rowan is planning to move. I don't like his character look at all.
Wart Jr. He is absolutely repulsive. As the name implies, he literally has warts. All over his body. Plus he decided to move right in front of my house to the point where it was blocking the view.
ribbot has plagued me since wild world. this stupid robot will never let me be free. i hate him so much.

and i couldnt resist the urge to hit derwin with my shovel every time i saw his stupid face

When I started over my town, she was a random move-in and plopped her house RIGHT next to where I was to place a bridge. This wouldn't be so bad if the town map didn't have a large dip in the river, so every time I wanted to get from point A to point B, I had to cover at least 50% of the town to do it. For WEEKS.
Gigi! First of all, she was the one villager who din?t came to see the new mayor arrive! She decided to put her lame house in the worst position ever, her personality sucks, and she is, very, very ugly . That?s why I made her catchphrase to be I?m slave and my nickname "Master" :)