Would Anyone Be interested


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2008
So I like to Rp on some rping boards, incase your wondering Rp means Role-Playing. Anyways I've done a few google searches but haven't found anything that really ... grasped me.

So i was wondering if anyone knows a good one, or maybe would like to help start one?
I actually think it would be a good idea to start a new one if there even are any. but its something i'll need some help on. so would anyone like to help?
Oh ya how about that, lets try to make an AC:RP Board?! All brainstorming right now but heyit could work, anyone wanna help?
Ok how 'bout it's like the real game, like

Sean: *shakes tree bells fall out*

* Wart. Jr gives Sean "Modern Chair" *
well the way i figure it, you could either be an animal or a human, you had to make it believeable tho, like you couldnt be a wolf with flames all around you but you could be a black wolf with eyes like a redish yellow as if they were on fire with the flame shirt on as your default shirt. and the town would obviously have to not have boundries really like an ocean and cliffs but not like in the game where your blocked in completely and special NPC's are controled by trusted people who can be on alot, otherwise they have like an auto thing where you act it out for them sorta like if someone was Nook but wasn't online and you wanted to purchase, as long as the item hasnt been bought you can go through a lil scene where you buy it.