Pokémon Would it be worth it to buy Pokemon Moon?


"I'm forever yours... faithfully" 💙💜
Oct 30, 2011
Sweet Heart Balloon
Glam Heart Balloon
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Pink Heart Balloon
Purple Heart Balloon
Sweet Feather
Glam Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Purple Feather
So since this game started releasing it's mascots and starters way back, I've been excited for it. I love the designs for Lunala, Silvally, and Popplio, and I like the other starters' designs, also. I was excited to hear that there is a QR feature in the game, so it wouldn't be as difficult to get info for other pokemon I love like Arcanine. I originally wanted to get X version, but this game is a step up and I could easily get anything I wanted/needed from that version plus more on the new one.

The reason why I'm skeptical is because I hear that they replaced the elite four with something different, and I'm not sure if it makes the game easier or harder (for the record I prefer more difficult games). I also like to go through and beat the Elite Four multiple times to level up my pokemon (that's how my Sceptile is like Lv. 88).

I was wondering how long the game takes to beat. I've been hearing that it takes people about 7-10 hours to beat the game. I usually take my time when playing a game but I don't want this one to be overly short.

Also, I wanted to know what it's replay value was. I grew up playing Pokemon Fire Red and Sapphire versions, and I have 250+ hours on Sapphire and I still play it. I also have Pearl version, but I lost interest in it mostly because by the time I started getting into it, you couldn't play online anymore.

I was actually planning on getting it at Meijer since I have a $20 gift card to pay for half of it but I need someone to really talk me into it.
So it. I thought it'd be like pokemongo but annoying but I grew to like it. It's fun having lunala and decuideye! I love them! Especially eevee evolving at lvl 11! 5-5 experience.
Nothing has changed with the Elite Four. It works exactly the same. You can even re-challenge it as many times as you want for raising Pokemon levels.

You're thinking of the gyms. The non-spoiler description is basically that Alola is behind the other regions as far as creating the regular Pokemon Trainer experience goes. They haven't even established gyms yet. Instead, they have the concept of island challenges. You will still battle, but you'll be doing other things too. It's interesting!

I don't know how people could beat the game in 7-10 hours. That's ridiculously short and seems unrealistic to me. I can't really give you an accurate time of how long it takes to get to and beat the Elite Four because I REALLY took my time. I'm currently at about 150 hours on my play clock, have beat the Elite Four and done most of the post-game stuff, but I have a lot more I want to do.

My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Blue back in the '90s when it first came out. I've played most of the Pokemon games over the years, and Sun/Moon is my favorite. It's not because it's the newest. It fixes a lot of small problems I've always had with the series. Sure, it has some major changes that are controversial to some people. But I find those changes to be a breath of fresh air, one the series needed. It was starting to feel a bit stale. I think you should buy it.
I didn't like it when I first got it, but the concept of island challenges grew on me and I picked it back up. It took me about 30 or so hours to finish the main story, some of the island challenges were really um... challenging. Now I have over 140+ hours in Sun, and I'm planning to buy Moon next month.
It has a surprisingly complex plot for a Pokemon game. Arguably not as complicated as Black and White, but definitely more complex than X and Y. As such, the replay value is good, if only to hear certain conversations in different context or freak out and point at bits of foreshadowing you might not have caught before.

The region is small, but fun to explore. If you don't rush it, and if you do the relatively small but still fun endgame, I'd say it'd take maybe 15 to 20 hours? It depends on play-style. I'm one to catch and evolve every Pokemon as I encounter it, so it took me a bit longer. I'm also easily sidetracked, though during some parts of the storyline, I made a beeline for the next destination just to find out what happens next (or to not disappoint certain NPCs).

There are no gyms, but the professor of the region does plan to create Alola's own Pokemon League. Gyms are replaced by trials, but the Pokemon League is very much still a thing.

I bought Moon. My roommate bought Sun. For him, it's his favourite Pokemon game. For me, it finally pushed Pokemon Blue out of second place, and ended up tied with Pokemon White for my favourite Pokemon game ever.

It's relatively short compared to, say, the obviously generous endgame of Gold and Silver, but it's ABSOLUTELY worth getting.
just do it
it's worth it lmao

just don't beat it in less than 24 hours like me
actually enjoy it
lol who told you the elite four got replaced
no no no
gyms got replaced with trials
there are seven trials and 4 kahunas who you battle after you complete a few trials
the only thing that is different about the elite four is the champion battles (spoilers)

you face different characters who challenge you to become champion every time you beat the e4.
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