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Would you get a plastic surgery?

In my opinion, plastic surgery is pointless. Personally, I think it makes people look fake, and it is fake. I would rather use the money on something thats more enjoyable. x3
By the way, you should probably say cosmetic surgery not plastic, as most plastic surgery is reconstruction or for burns etc, not cosmetic
Yes I plan on getting plastic surgery but not until I am 30
I personally wouldn't. If others want to, it's pretty sad in my opinion but I'm not against it (If they don't have any real problems with their body, that is).
Heck no, not unless I got into some sort of accident that really jacked up my face.
I don't need (or want) plastic surgery in my current state. If half of my face got burned off or something, then yeah, ofc I would get some if it was free.
no (unless trans surgeries count, but im just planning on breast removal so it prob doesnt) and I wont judge anyone who decides to. I wont encourage it, but I wont shame them for it after they already did it.
Is this a joke...? Of course it counts. That... is... plastic surgery...
Most people after plastic surgery look awful, I feel bad :/
I look bad already, but with that I'd look MUCH worse.
@these and may other comments in this thread:
Wow, that's way rude. Have you ever thought about that you only get to see and notice the failed, pointless and totally exaggerated surgeries? Medical surgery and ordinary fixes really can enhance a body.
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I would get plastic surgery if I had damage to my face. But as I am now? No.

I don't think plastic surgery is pointless either, as I have read in a post.

People have gone under plastic surgery because they were born with facial deformities and wanted to change their features to appear just as normal as any other person in society or people with facial damage as a result of an accident would disagree that plastic surgery is pointless.

Plastic surgery is not just there for vanity purposes, but it is also there as an opportunity for people able to move on with their lives without hearing as much slander about themselves in public as they would if they did not go under plastic surgery.

I wanted to put that out there, and yes, in the end it is to look better. That's the point.

But even though there are people who spend their money for facial surgery despite not having a deformity... probably has a lot of money and would most likely laugh in our faces too. :p
No. I thought about it once because my sister would be all up for it, but haha, it's kind of weird reasoning but I wouldn't want to um get intimate with a plastic face. So I wouldn't change mine!

Of course, if other people do, that's totes their decision and none of my business. But as shallow as it is, loving a face that was cut apart and reassembled before is something that unnerves me.

I can't tell if I'm pretty or ugly in any case, though I do admit I get bored of seeing my face a lot; ahhah
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Yeah but dude you are pretty handsome already, don't fudge that up man.

Unless it's for your buns
yes its for my buns
im only gonna do it for a touch up. i got my lips done and they turned out fine so im sure a small touch up on my face would go well.

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there's no fixing this mess

dont b so down on urself u r not a mess :)
No, I mean it has just ruined a lot of people and most of the time people get addicted to it and look fake and its just eh
no, God created us in the best way♥
and when people meddle with God's creation, honestly, they look ugliER

I'm twitching.

Honestly, I'm kind of surprised about the reactions to cosmetic/plastic surgery in general, not just to you.

I wouldn't do it. But I mean, if somebody else wants to do it, hell it's their body. If you do something dumb, that's on you.
fake is good look tho imo
