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Would you get a plastic surgery?

I would like to get some work done someday. More like getting more tattoos and sub-dermal implants etc.. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. You're the only one living inside your body and if you're not comfortable in it and have the opportunity to change it until you're happy then why not? I don't really see it as "plastic surgery" to me, it's more like modifications. Modify things to make it better for yourself. I don't really believe in the whole "accept yourself as your are" thing. I mean, if you are happy the way you are that's fine. But if you aren't, then you shouldn't "force" yourself to live that way if you can change. I really feel that life should be about the pursuit of happiness. You don't really have to accept yourself if you don't like it. PEOPLE SHOULD ACCEPT YOU. ^__^ Also there's so many reasons why people get plastic surgery and modifications. Whether religious or for better health. whatever the reason, people should accept their choices.

that's one photo made to look bad, just like when in make up/cover up commercials. the 'before' look always has them looking sad and bored, and the 'after' photo always has them smiling... you really cant judge before and after photos when they're i different poses.
im sure there are pics out there where whoever that is looks perfectly fine with her surgery. not to mention she's like 20 in the first pic and like 50 in the last pic??? how can you compare that
I mean I don't think minor plastic surgery is bad but I don't think people should go around redoing their face and stuff everyone was made to look how they look so I mean I won't look down upon you for it but I also wouldn't support it ... if that makes sens
I wouldn't do it because I am scared of being put to sleep and cut up if I can help it O.O Other than absolutely necessary surgeries to fix burns/broken bones/etc,etc there's no way I'd voluntarily pay someone upwards of 15,000$ to cut me open. Nuu
I had surgery for a deviated septum so technically that counts as a nose job?
I'm twitching.

Honestly, I'm kind of surprised about the reactions to cosmetic/plastic surgery in general, not just to you.

I wouldn't do it. But I mean, if somebody else wants to do it, hell it's their body. If you do something dumb, that's on you.

I didn't say people shouldn't do it, I just stated my opinion
yeh I'm against it, but I cant stop you or anybody else x)
I wouldn't. No no no. I am perfect with my current body, I'd do laser surgery to get a good eyesight and stuff like that but I wouldn't do stuff like change my nose. Although if one day one of breast gets bigger of 3 cups compared to the other one, I'd do a breast decreasement.
I mean I don't think minor plastic surgery is bad but I don't think people should go around redoing their face and stuff everyone was made to look how they look so I mean I won't look down upon you for it but I also wouldn't support it ... if that makes sens

you.. I saw yur pic on that thread so please don't let surgeons touch yur face
why so handsome?
I don't think I would personally, however I don't think it's morally wrong for other people to do so. If it's something that is going to make them happy then that is totally their right. People aren't any less of people just because they decide to get plastic surgery.
Actually speaking of that, I guess I could use some touch ups on my face so it's not as ugs.
I definitely would. A lot of people don't know much about plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is usually successful, and it rarely ever does make you look weird, at least from what I've seen. I would know. My mom has had it and she looks much better than she did when she was younger.. Also there's tons of celebrities (Lots of kpop stars) that have gotten it and look way better now than they did before. I think it's absolutely fine. If you want to change something about yourself and you have the money to do so, then why not? It doesn't make you any less of a person.
Of course there are downsides to plastic surgery, like the price, risks of something going wrong, and probably more. The risks of something going wrong is realllllly low, and the price, well... nothing we can do about that. I guess for some people it's ok as maybe they're rich, other people not so much.. IMO, it's worth it even with the risks (which again, there's an incredibly low chance of something going wrong) and the price because appearances are important whether you like it or not. Some people might not admit it, but appearances are very important. Overall I think plastic surgery is okay. That's just my opinion though :D
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I wouldn't because I'm happy with the way I look now.
I had breast reduction surgery when I was 16 though, it classifies as cosmetic surgery but mine was for medical reasons. Mmy boos were pretty much ruining my back lmao. The surgery really changed my life, they're still pretty big but I can actually find bras that fit now, yay.
I also had a friend who had plastic surgery on his nose, it was really big and it really lowered his self esteem. He said when he looked in the mirror all he could see was that nose and it ruined his day.

So I guess I can understand plastic/cosmetic surgery to some extent when someone's quality of life can be greatly improved from it. And besides, everyone is free to do what they want with their body... As long as they pay for it and not their insurance I don't see the problem.
I said when I was 16 (I had little boobs) that by the time I was 18 and don't have boobs I would get a boob job, because I'm a D/DD (depending where I shop) I have no need now. But I have said I'll have a lift when I'm older. I really want a nose job, that's my biggest issue, I hate my nose.