Would you pay RLC for my art? [CLOSED]


♡laziest plant mom♡
Nov 7, 2016
Sautéed Mushrooms
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
So idk where to really put this, and I hope it can go here haha.

I feel like I should add this: It won't be JUST a RLC only shop. you can pay with TBT too, this is just a thought for now.

I've been thinking about this for a while (paste from my shop)

This has been on my mind for a while but IDK if people would actually do it. I opened a paypal recently and I would like to know, would anyone pay RLC for my art? Like maybe $3 or so dollars? I'm really not sure, let me know under here. Let me know how much you'd be willing to pay for each or both styles. I'm genuinely curious because for a 17 year old with no job, making RLC with my art seems like a good way to go, y'know? I notice that digital art seems to prosper more than traditional art, so IDK how much people are willing the pay for someone who doesn't have the money to get stuff to make really good digital art.

If you want to see some examples of my art, click here or go to my art shop link in my signature! Thank you!

Thoughts? Advice? I'm considering adding it to my shop but I like to gather advice, thoughts, and opinions before I do so.
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Yes, I would totally pay RLC for your art!! I think you should def start at a price you feel comfortable with. If you are spending less than an hour for each piece you could maybe charge 3-5 dollhairs but if you take longer then charge more, perhaps. I?m sorry I can?t help more lol I don?t have much experience but I just wanted to say I looovee your art!! <3
Definitely If I could!!!!

Thank you for your feedback <3 I'm not pressuring, don't worry haha. I'll still accept TBT haha these are just thoughts for now

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Yes, I would totally pay RLC for your art!! I think you should def start at a price you feel comfortable with. If you are spending less than an hour for each piece you could maybe charge 3-5 dollhairs but if you take longer then charge more, perhaps. I’m sorry I can’t help more lol I don’t have much experience but I just wanted to say I looovee your art!! <3

OMG Thank you so much!! Bless ur heart ; v ; ) Yeah, I was thinking $3 or $5. I might wait for more thoughts and opinions on the matter before I put it into action. TBT is certainly nice, but making RLC profit from my art would be amazing as well.
To be honest (and I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm sorry!!) I wouldn't. :/ If I did it would be a dollar or two. Your style 1 looks good!But it's pretty basic and it wouldn't be difficult to sketch something very similar. Style 2 has a lot of potential but it's very rough and unrefined. I think if you work at it you'll get so much better and people would be more than happy to pay real money for art (being an artist is hard!)

I'm not saying that these are bad at all, a great foundation is super important, just that I personally wouldn't pay real currency for them. I'm sorry! D:
To be honest (and I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm sorry!!) I wouldn't. :/ If I did it would be a dollar or two. Your style 1 looks good!But it's pretty basic and it wouldn't be difficult to sketch something very similar. Style 2 has a lot of potential but it's very rough and unrefined. I think if you work at it you'll get so much better and people would be more than happy to pay real money for art (being an artist is hard!)

I'm not saying that these are bad at all, a great foundation is super important, just that I personally wouldn't pay real currency for them. I'm sorry! D:

I mean, I have improved since those examples, those were back in 2017 when I just started getting serious. Trust me, it's MUCH better now...well at least in my opinion. Thank you for your feedback though.
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can you put some of your art outside of a spoiler because i genuinely can't open spoilers atm
can you put some of your art outside of a spoiler because i genuinely can't open spoilers atm

Oh sure! For some reason, I can't either. It works when I use internet explorer but it doesn't when I use chrome.

Here's a recent sketch. It's just a sketch so it looks messy haha
Let's see those new ones! You should always post your most recent art! Learned that the hard way trying to sell some stuff myself. X_X
Let's see those new ones! You should always post your most recent art! Learned that the hard way trying to sell some stuff myself. X_X

Ah good point! The post above you is a recent sketch I did a few nights ago. I need to take pictures of more recent sketches as well, haha
your art is really good!
most people dont have much luck with rlc here though ):
i don't reccommend selling for RLC on this site because people are mainly looking to buy art with tbt.

you might wanna try a different art site like devaintart or something

starting small with price is good, but starting to colour & shade more is also important.

good luck!
i don't reccommend selling for RLC on this site because people are mainly looking to buy art with tbt.

you might wanna try a different art site like devaintart or something

starting small with price is good, but starting to colour & shade more is also important.

good luck!

I'm not gonna do it.

I lost motivation to, idk maybe because I do traditional art and have no money to buy a tablet or anything to begin doing digital works-which sell more than drawings with a pencil and paper so I'm not confident at all.

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Thanks for the advice everyone but I decided not to.
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