total a-hole
This is the game of 'Would you Rather', people. Here's how it goes:
fish: Would you rather kiss Bulerias or Fabio?
*Insert hot supermodel name here*: Oh, Fabio, he's such a hot beast.
It can be gross, too.
fish: Sqirrelburger or barf stew?
*Insert hot supermodel name here*: Fabio stew.
fish: That wasn't an option.
Please keep this a 'Would you Rather' instead of 'This or That' game.
fish: Would you rather kiss Bulerias or Fabio?
*Insert hot supermodel name here*: Oh, Fabio, he's such a hot beast.
It can be gross, too.
fish: Sqirrelburger or barf stew?
*Insert hot supermodel name here*: Fabio stew.
fish: That wasn't an option.
Please keep this a 'Would you Rather' instead of 'This or That' game.