Would you want contest outside of game?

Would you want a contest outside of game?

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🎶This is Halloween🎶
Aug 10, 2015
Ancient Candle
Voodoo Doll
Green Candy
Green Candy
Red Candy
So I know they have the in game contest, I think it's a sugar/sweets thing, but what about TBT?
Set up a contest on TBT maybe have some TBT or amiibo cards as prizes, what do you guys think?
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Love the idea! I've thought about it too but I was trying to come up with more prizes in my own ideas but that's where I'm stumped.
Wow, a lot of people would want a contest! I might do one.... What should the theme be?
Yes! This would be fun! There would need to be pretty clear rules, and how would the winner be determined? Would the community be voting?
Yes! This would be fun! There would need to be pretty clear rules, and how would the winner be determined? Would the community be voting?

Honestly, I have no sense of style whatsoever, so I would assume that the community would vote. Plus, I think that things would just be fairer. I think I'll give it a try! ^_^ If anyone has anyone would like to help it would be very much appreciated and you would be credited of course.
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I don't really understand how you would do it though. Whose house would it be? Because the Nintendo-run contest gives you a house to use so for this people would have to use one of the villager houses I guess? But whose house? What if you don't want to change one you already did? And if you make a new one they force you to use certain items.
I don't really understand how you would do it though. Whose house would it be? Because the Nintendo-run contest gives you a house to use so for this people would have to use one of the villager houses I guess? But whose house? What if you don't want to change one you already did? And if you make a new one they force you to use certain items.
They don't force you to use those items if you re-design their house.
Great idea. Maybe we could all pick a theme and then you put them all in a random selector and we'll do that one and maybe have more themes for a later contest?
Okay! Finally able to start on this! I've been having a pretty busy week. I love all your ideas! I'll probably post the contest tonight.
Who would say no to this?
Contests are always fun!