

Retired Staff
Jan 5, 2005
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Red Candy
I am totally stoked right now. Today has been full of surprises. First in my comp sci class we were getting our las assignment back, and I didn't get mine, I looked at the teacher questionably and he said, "oh right sorry, but my little girl threw your assignment in the fire", It was the oddest thing I have ever heard a teacher have to explain.

Then in English I had to give a speech on my research paper ( I think I did good). But anyway we also got our graded research paper bakc and I got an A-, which is awesome. That paper alone is 20% of my grade so YAY!

Ay way just a weird feeling day, almost dreamlike....I better not be dreaming....
No your actually posting. It's no dream. :gyroidsurprised:

Anyway that is the strangest thing ever. Your paper was on fire. That's.... Different.
Why can't my boring science teacher do that.(I hate you Mr. Rice, falling me for getting the answers right)

If you ever forget your homework, you can always use that as an excuse...

Teacher: "Wheres your assignment?"
Sporge: "My little sister threw it in the fire."

Well he had graded it before it was burned, and I got near 100% on my own, but I would have iked to see what i did wrong on it though...