Writing audition for VN


i hate my username
Jun 14, 2015
Red Cosmos
Pear (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
There is a Pokemon Visual Novel that is recruiting writers for the script.
I thought I'd enter, but I want people on here to say what they think first.
it's only half-done but still!


This is the description of what we needed to write:
The adventurous and daring Leaf decides to raid Red?s room after curfew hours, attempting to convince him to sneak out of Relic Hall with her.

RED: (Surprised) Leaf! What are you doing in my dorm? You're not allowed here! It's past curfew!
LEAF: (Angry) You idiot! Keep your voice down; people will know I'm here!
RED: And why are you here? You really need to leave, before both of us get in trouble!
LEAF: (Smirking) I'm bored and I wanna be a daredevil!
RED: (Sighing) Good for you, now go and let me sleep!
Cheren wakes up, yawning. He looks at the two arguing.
CHEREN: Guys! What's with the commotion? You're gonna wake up others!
LEAF: I'm sneaking out, and I'm taking you guys with me!
RED: (Annoyed) What?! I never agreed to this!
CHEREN: (Shocked) It's against the rules! I'm not going, neither is Red. If you want to be a 'daredevil' you go by yourself!
LEAF: (Rolling eyes) Urgh, you are sooo boring! You're coming whether you like it or not!
CHEREN: You can?t boss us around. I?m not breaking the rules. I need to graduate and breaking the rules won?t help!
LEAF: (Confident) Nah, we won?t get caught! You got me here!
RED: (Under his breath) With you here, we're even more likely to get caught.
LEAF: (Angry) What did you say?!
RED: Um, I said... Are you sure we won't get caught?
LEAF: (Leaf sighs and gets closer to Red) I am! And even if we do get caught it?ll be your fault!
RED: (Pushes Leaf away) Leaf! Again with the personal space! And my fault? You're the loud one!
LEAF: (Sarcastic) I'm going to ignore that comment.
CHEREN: Why would you even consider getting out of the Relic Hall? It?s-it?s crazy!

Leaf opens the door to the dorm as quietly as possible and grabs the others by the wrist. She drags them out of the dorm. Red and Cheren are both completely shocked at the girl?s action. She just dragged them out of their own dorm!

RED: (Angry) What do you think you?re doing Leaf?!
LEAF: (Whisper-shouting) Shut up! Do you want to get caught?
RED: (Fed up) No, and that's exactly the reason why I'm not coming!
Red goes to walk back to his dorm but Leaf stands in the way.
LEAF: (Pleading) Please, Red. I just wanna enjoy myself.
CHEREN: We don't care! I'm not risking my grades so you can have fun!
RED: I'll go. It has been quite boring around here. It'd be good to spice it up, I guess.
LEAF: That's the spirit! What about you Cheren?
CHEREN: (Sighs) I think it's a crazy idea, but if Red if going, then I guess I'll go too.
LEAF: Yes! It's gonna be fun!
Leaf pulls out a map of Relic Hall.
LEAF: (Pointing to places on the map and whispering) So we are here, and the exit is here. The quickest route would be.... Down this corridor.

Leaf points to where they are going to go. She starts to sneak down the
corridor. Red and Cheren exchange nervous looks.

LEAF: (Harshly) Move it!
RED: (Running to Leaf) Whatever.
LEAF: (Panicked) Crap! I can hear footsteps!
RED: (Whisper) What do we do?
LEAF: Be very quiet.

The footsteps got louder and louder. To the three's horror, the person walked down the corridor they were in. No one moved a muscle, no one breathed.
The person kept walking down the corridor, not acknowledging the three at all.
RED: (Relieved) That was close...
LEAF: (Smirking) Yeah, but it was fun, right?
RED: I guess...
CHEREN: It was quite a thrill. But I'm still against this whole idea.