Looking For WTB Chrissy, Anhka, Diana or Fauna


Jan 27, 2014
100% (50) +
I have 2 open spots in my town and I'm hoping to get either of these villagers, just shoot me a reasonable price!
I think I have cards for Anhka, Dianna and Fauna Ill have a check for you.
I have Ankha in my town, in quite a bad spot so I'll be letting her move whenever she wants to. She almost moved out a while ago, and then changed her mind. So typical ;) I'm not sure when she's going to ask again, but I'll let you know once she decides to move again and you can adopt her for free then if you still need her! :)
Hi :rolleyes: I've been lookin for a new home for Chrissy. Her house is not original ( no big mess though ) and now wearing this jacket that seems to be a boom in my town; If you're okay with that, she's free to a good home. Please let me know if she strikes your fancy!

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I have Ankha in my town, in quite a bad spot so I'll be letting her move whenever she wants to. She almost moved out a while ago, and then changed her mind. So typical ;) I'm not sure when she's going to ask again, but I'll let you know once she decides to move again and you can adopt her for free then if you still need her! :)

Please do! My town just filled last night with a random move in and Diana, so hopefully someone will move out by then. Thank you!