[x] Looking for some friends~ (Native: Oranges)


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2017
100% (4) +
Yep, I'm looking for more friends to play ACNL with, like the title says, I have oranges as a native, so I'm willing to do a swap!
Just note that, if you come to my town, I literally have nothing yet, it's a bit boring! xD
So, yeah.

Also, if anyone can let me use their shampoodle, that would be great, like I said, I can pay in oranges. ^_^ I have a perfect peach that I can use as well.
I wouldn't run or anything, I'm a bit more respectful than that.

My friend code is on the left side, just let me know if I can use yours. ^_^
Totally! I have all the fruits already, and there's no need to pay me to use my Shampoodle. Just a quick heads-up: Bring some pitfall seeds, if you have any. I only need 3 more.
haii! i would love to become friends with you all! My town is slowly developing into a perfect town, due to New Leaf. I have a bunch of projects, and just recently gotten the police station in my town. c:
I'd like to be friends with you! i'm looking for acnl friends also ^_^ i'll add you now~
I own every single perfect fruit in the game and normal fruit, so if you like I can drop off some fruit for you for free.
Also my time zone is CST and I'll be available this Sunday or Tuesday. I'll add you as well too
Hi! I'd love to be your Friend!

I have all the Fruits, so Take as many as you want, I am low on Lychees though, so I need to get more lol
I have all the shops, so feel free to splurge XD

My FC is on my sidebar :)
Thanks everyone, I"ll add all of you in a few! c:
Today is my only day off, so I can easily add. ^^

I added all of you! Thank you so much, everyone! ^.^

I can bring some, pears and oranges to you to trade.

I have one of each perfect fruit, but I have to let that grow in order to trade those. x3
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Hello. Can you add me as a friend too. I won't be able to play today as I have something else to do tomorrow.
Hey I?ll add you. I?m remodelling but I think I have pretty much every fruit so feel free to come and have some.