Yay Court of Honor! :D


Retired Staff
Jan 2, 2006
So tonight is my 5th Court of Honor. For those of you who don't know what that it is, it's basically like a huge get-togheter for Boy Scouts where we talk about past camping trips and Awards. :gyroidsmile:

So tonight I sadly won't be making First-Class because I still need my Scotumaster's confrence.

:( None the less I'm getting many rewards. Tonight I will be reciving the following.
  • Gettysburg Historical Hike Medal (First Half)
  • Emergency Prepardness Merit Badge *
  • Camping Merit Badge *
  • Wood Carving Merit Badge
  • Soil and Water Conservation Merit Badge
  • Collections Merit Badge
  • Pioneering Merit Badge
  • Den Cheif Service Award
  • Paul Bunyan Woodsman
  • Instructor Rank Badge
Ok so tonight I'm getting a good deal of stuff. The other Half of the Gettysburg Hike Medal is if you hike the South side. The * Merit Badges are Eagle so I now have 3 Eagle Required. The Den Cheif Award is for returning to Cub Scouts and basically being a Junior Leader. Paul Bunyan award is for higer axe and woodsman skill stuff I guess and the Instructor Rank is basically just people who lead the Troop (Behind the Scenes stuff).

Also I have to give 2 or 3 speeches. One on summer camp and one on Future Requirments, from First Class Up. Finally the last one may be on the Weblos Camping Trip.

So that's what I'm doing tonight. :gyroidveryhappy:
Courts of Honor are not fun... i dont see how you find them fun, the masters stand around and act like retards and only the really nerdy boyscouts enjoy that. >_>

I'm like, a tender something, i dont even know what thats supposed to be. D:

glad you enjoy them. >_>
I remember the first court of honor I went too..I was reconzied for scout, second class, and first class. Lets just say I was up on the stage way too long :_:
I honestly also feel the court of honors are a bore...although they can have their moments...and my troop at least always had food at the end of them.

If you make it to Eagle, just wait until you have to do your own special court of honor. I was happy with how mine went, and surprisingly I guess I did better in my speech that night than I thought I did. I am normally pretty bad at speeches, and for doing it mostly on the fly I thought I got a lot of nice comments on it.

Sometimes it is the people in your troop that make or break it. so glad it is great for you. My troop had only a few guys my age but a ton a year older so I got to know them pretty well.

See about getting your troop to go to Owasippe! Sadly it may not be open past next year, but I have faith.

Kids from the city just don't want to go camping as much anymore, probabl because they never got to experience it before and it does look pretty lame from afar. I can't get enough of nature now though, I am kinda upset I am stuck in a city now....
OddCrazyMe said:
Well that's your troop. Our troop makes them fun... >_>
My ward is great, we do way awesome things and everyone in it is cool, the only thing i find weird is how someone can have fun sitting around watching old men talk and pat little boys backs for a job "well done".

Sure, scouts is cool sometimes... none of that merit badge crap, but the actual camping and stuff is somewhat entertaining... given the idea that its underplanned and has no schedule. That is the time scouting is fun, when the leaders don't do much of anything, you get to do whatever you want... these planned camps are no fun, you go pitch a tent and you actually shower during the place... thats basically home, or hobo-home with a sprinkler. : (

uhh... yeah... <>_>