let come over to your town 
or you can brawl me
or play mk wii
I have wii speak (joy)
one of you please let me come D: )( id appreicate it
Active djman900, Cooler, cryindarkness, Master Crash, thegamerocker, captaj12, SockHeadx4, xYoh, mimzithegreat, Toad Kart 64, Jojo, auraguy, Gabby, watercat8, Greenade
or if ne1 else is on
or you can brawl me
or play mk wii
I have wii speak (joy)
one of you please let me come D: )( id appreicate it
Active djman900, Cooler, cryindarkness, Master Crash, thegamerocker, captaj12, SockHeadx4, xYoh, mimzithegreat, Toad Kart 64, Jojo, auraguy, Gabby, watercat8, Greenade
or if ne1 else is on