Young spring bamboo, seasonal?

Reginald Fairfield

Senior Member
Dec 21, 2017
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Golden Mushroom Lamp
Shiitake Plushroom
Indigo Mushroom Lamp
Shiitake Plushroom
Viridis Mushroom Lamp
Yellow Bunny Balloon
Final Boss Bunny Balloon
Hot Bunny Balloon
Pink Bunny Balloon
Yellow Bunny Balloon
People seem to be wondering if this is a seasonal ingredient. Can anyone confirm either way? It looks like at least one person here has time traveled.
I donmt time travel and don't have bamboo but am near 100% certain it's seasonal

here's why!

I have lots of bamboo related DIYs, but all the ones using young spring bamboo are in the seasonal category, while the rest aren't
I do not time travel and I have young spring bamboo.. and less than a minute ago I got this recipe from a balloon!

I've been on 3 island tours that have bamboo. Also, I don't time travel.
I just found a bamboo island for the first time and I got it too. It seems less common than the regular bamboo ingredient, where typically a bamboo seems to drop 1 young spring and 2 bamboo. Again, judging from the one island.

I planted some bamboo shoots on my island, so we'll see what happens when they grow.