Gala <3
Hello! So this is my first animal crossing fan fic, I have already written like 5 chapters but I'm uploading them one at a time. Hopefully you will enjoy this story, and the main character is not a human ; )
Chapter 1
Silently, I walked out of the glistening hallway to a small path creaking as a line formed with animals all shapes and sizes. One, very distinctive only a few infront of me, looking back to stare at what I first though was my watch but then I realised it was staring at my skirt that had blue bleach torn through them. The path was lit darkly by a lightbulb. So dark you couldn't see four steps ahead of you. A microphone tore the ears of the crowd every two minutes, calling an unsuspected name to come forth.
A girl infront of me, could have been only seven years old, whispered along to me,
"How long have you been waiting" Her eyes were dark, circles formed around them and were as black as twilight. She has slow ears that pointed up but only her hands could keep them like that. Her dress was ripped in the front and she looked like she hadn't slept for days
"3 minutes I suppose," I whispered back, leaning down because she was so small and so innocent looking.
She ran forth as her name was called, like she has just won a million dollars, although maybe this was HER million dollars. I had been sent to wait in this line, for what I did not know. Living in a strange world, surrounded by animals, well for almost all my life. It was then time I set forth to the world, yet not before I was supposed to. My mother had died, and for all I know I didn't have a father. They said a giant industrial inclosed area had my answers. It was then I realised, nobody standing in the line was over 18.
The slow microphonic sound echoed as my name was called 'Nallie'
I didn't know what to do. Was I suppost to run up the empty space in this narrow path? Was I suppost to run and yell 'OH YEA I JUST WON A MILLION BUCKS SUCKAS!!' I didn't do either. I walked down the path, watching envious animals take jealous looks at me. The girl, who had looked at my skirt before, followed my traces. I didn't dare to look back, but to keep walking, assuming they would take her away at some point. I had walked for what it seemed hours to finally arrive at a counter, quite a far way from the line. A fair old turtle said there, staring at my paperwork and a lot at me.
"Tortimer, Have a seat" The turtle said without taking a glance off his page.
I took a seat, then the girl took one too. It seemed now I could take a proper look at her, since the light was brighter and at least it wasn't that dim. She seemed creepy, her face looked like a gyroid and she seemed to have bullet holes in her head. Her mouth gleamed open and then I whispered,
"Shut your mouth now" I was worried of being scared for life but she shut her mouth and then began to stare at my skirt again. "What are you looking at?" I whispered again. She just started to whimper, like she had a speech disorder. She looked at her shoes, going back and forth. She nodded and pulled a sad face. Tortimer looked down from the counter. He pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose, staring at me and this weird gyroid girl.
"Nallie and Coco, Correct?" Tortimer said while staring at us.
I nodded with respect and Coco spoke,
"Coco Milfield, This is Nallie Milfield. Relation with her, Sister," I took a glance and my mouth drooped as she spoke. Clearly she had been mistaken. I wasn't a bunny, nor a rabbit. I was simply me. But no, this 'Coco' wasn't mistaken. She hadn't spoken to me yet, but knew my last name, how horrifying yet extravagant.
"Good to know Coco. Now, Nallie. I see your mother has recently passed away. I can also see that you have no connection whatsoever to your father. Yet we have brought Coco because she has a connection to your father. You are both sisters. I can assume you have never met before. You two will be paired up for the time being. We are sending you off to a town so that you will be able to grow up as you are quite young. Only 16 I see Nallie. As for you Coco, only 15," Tortimer sent a guard over to us, and we were huddled away to a room not far off from the counter.
"You are not my sister, you mistaken brat," I mumbled to Coco, who replied with a sniffling cry as if she never knew what pain felt like.
Chapter 2
The guards walked us into a huge room, filled with chandeliers and glass paintings. The scent of a burning pot roast and small chimes like a window breaking slowly and gracefully. Two chairs were planted in the middle, assumably that me and Coco would sit in them. I sat in one, uncomfortable chair whilst Coco decided to stand until a guard signalled her to sit. He smiled as 5 other guards came in, with suitcases and bags and all that travelling nonsense. One, I saw was my black polly-ware bag from Criscaltron where I lived with my mom. I signalled the guards to bring it over. Yet they left all the bags in the room and walked off.
"What are all these bags?" I gasped as I ran over when the guards left.
"Mostly mine. I have bags full of things for us. After I left father I decided to go spree shopping. What do you think?" Coco smiled for the first time.
"Well If we are going to live together it may be nice. Who are you really?" I took a slight look at coco's hands which shuffled inside of her pockets as she stared her row of baggage crossing half of the room.
"Coco Milfield. Like I told tortimer...I don't look anything like you because, well, It's a long story. But to cut it, OUR father made me have surgery to look like a driod. I never knew why," Coco started to cry and I held her hand pushing my hand across her arm, lengthening her legs and smiled gracefully.
Coco sat back in the chair, and stared at the chandelier as her eyes moved back and forth. It was like she was afraid. Deep into her eyes was her mind spinning. Coco lept inside, she was fascniated by this girl whom she had tricked and had tricked everyone around her into thinking she was her sister. Coco was just laying there, like a brick in a wall. I glanced over my shoulder a couple times as I was searching through my valuables. Trying to make sure everything was perfectly stored and safe. Yet most of my things were ruined or broken in some un-ordinary way.
I looked around the room suspiciously, eyeing mostly the windows. They were all overlooking the same view, every window. I went straight the the nearest one, and look out. Creepy and scared that yet I thought we were underground. Did we go back up above ground? My eyes were still tracing back to Coco, who hadn't moved an inch since we stopped talking. Her eyes were black and dark and seemed like time traveling universes parallel to each other in sorrow and dispare. I was worried at that moment, whether I was going to survive what may have been a terrifying moment of my life. I stared out the window, and in reflection saw myself.
I'm a petite little cub, my mother was a bear and apparently my father was too. This made Coco seem so unlikely to be any relation to me. I understand color skin change and growthism, but changing species isn't regular or even common. I tapped Coco on the back and she awoke (I presume) in a startled effect and turned around to face me.
"What is it Nallie?" She scowled at me. Sounding more like a bear than a bunny rabbit.
"I was wondering what your doing" I replied back, my heart racing like a tornado
"Dreaming...What else?"
"You could have been like, um, well, Dead?"
"You silly imagination Nallie. Just be quiet and wait for the guards to come,"
"When will they come?"
"Oh only a couple minutes now," Coco turned around and fell back to what I think is "asleep" for her.
I turned around as well, only to find a small hamster looking back. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window. In reflection a small pink hamster looked back at me. She had a notepad with her. It was rusty and where she was must have been too. She looked scared and hurt and all she said on the notepad was:
"I'm Peanut and I'm trapped,"
Chapter 3
I backed away from the window, my heart like a roller coaster and my brain, a swirl of childhood nightmares. I decided to turn around and wake up Coco. In which I did, tip toeing to her and whispering in her ear.
"Ever seen a pink squirrel say I'm trapped?" I took a huge sarcastic smile as Coco whisked around to where I was standing.
"WHAT PINK SQUIRREL???" She was gasping.
At that moment her eyes went smaller, she had her mouth open and another hole appeared on her droid face. I gasped and pointed, as she took a grin and stood up. She brushed herself down and went straight to the window. I could see Peanut, the squirrel and all Coco did was stare at her. Coco looked angry, her hands went slightly orange and I was worried she was going to punch the window till her hands bled. But that wasn't it. Coco's reaction to this poor trapped girl was devastating, she laughed.
At that moment two guards arrived, they were goats dressed in pure white. Sweating as they pushed open the giant wooden doors that echoed in the white room. They shuffled past the baggage to where me and Coco were standing.
"Nallie please go with Mr. Manchester, this guard over here. He will escort you to the train in which you will arrive to a new town. Coco, come with me, you have a little explaining to do for Police cops Copper and Booker," The main guard explained.
I held onto my bag as Mr. Manchester took me out of the room and down the narrow hallway again. We walked for about 10 minutes, out of the inclosed area and finally standing in front of a wide building. My ears rattled to the sounds of noises, where as in the area I had been for the past day was as quiet as dusk in the amazon. My heart sank beneath me as my feet plunged into the stairwell of the station, and the sight of animals in every direction made me nearly fall to my feet. I wasn’t sure whether to stare at all the rich passer byers or just gaze at the chandelier that held the majority of the light in such a large accommodation. Many animals were covered in highly priced clothing, and their luggage was overfilled with items and heaved in train stickers. One small cub smiled as she walked past me, but her mother slapped the cub and told her not to look.
“Take no notice, they are just filthy with money,” Mr. Manchester was carrying a small briefcase and walking fast in front of my pace.
Soon enough though, we arrived to the platforms which were haunted by tens of trains. Many of the signs I saw could not have been any more devastating, as I finally knew where I was.
“Are we in... New Leaf?” I shivered, clasping my teeth together.
“Yes. Did you not know that? This is the central train hub for New Leaf state,” Mr. Manchester spoke, whilst smiling.
I stopped, “I lived in the state of Wild World, how do I get back? Is there a train?”
I was so clueless about my surrounding world. I knew about City Folk, and the state of Dobutsu no mori but I had never heard of New Leaf.
“You are very far from Wild World, I don’t think you’ll ever return home Nallie. I am bringing you to the town of McFlurry, and I have not been told about you whereabouts at home, but I assume it will be hard adjusting for you,” Mr. Manchester continued walking, as I followed his steps.
In another few minutes, we arrived at platform 87, where a two-carriage train beeped with the one minute warning. My shoes clicked as I stepped onto the second carriage, clutching my rolling suitcase with me. Mr. Manchester did not follow, and stood for a few seconds sucking in his cheeks.
“This is where I say my farewell’s Miss. Nallie,” His feet began the shuffle away.
“WAIT! What am I supposed to do!? I can’t just travel to a random country myself! DON’T LEAVE! I need some help, like where I’m going to live and whe-,” Suddenly the train doors closed, and Mr. Manchester waved as I cried and screamed inside the carriage. Soon after, I calmed myself down enough to take a seat, and begun pulling out an old edition of the Able Sisters Wild World Collection.
“Is this seat taken?” A smile rose upon a small kitty’s face.
I shook my head in a circular motion, hoping he would leave. But so he didn’t. The cat was about as tall as I was, and had a blue rim and body. His face was partially white, making a cone shape to the bridge of his forehead. He wore a diamond red sweater with a gold trimmed collar and the inside of his ears where faced out, visibly yellow.
“Rover, nice to meet you...” Rover’s face begun to make a smiling questioning face.
“Nallie,” I turned bright red, fearing that he was enjoying my company a bit too much.
“Don’t worry, I travel alongside people very often. In fact, since the New Leaf train line was built about 6 months ago, I haven’t been traveling on trains since about 2002. Where are you from I might ask?” He curved his lips into a smiling face, awaiting my response.
“Wild World, town of Terios. I don’t even know why I’m going on this train, I came from Area 3,” I almost felt as if I were going to cry, and my words came out slowly.
“Area 3... I’m so sorry, have you lost anyone recently?”
“My mother,”
“Don’t be so sad! Come on, you’ve got friendly train company, anyway... You must be headed to McApple? Or McHamlet? OH WAIT! McFlurry?” Rover grinned.
“McFlurry, why are there so many Mc town names?” I widened my eyes and begun enjoying the conversation more and more. It was a way to pass time, as my stomach was exploding from the previous incident.
“They are named after the saint hamsters, who invented the villages of Mc, to signify wealth in all parts. In all sense, the place your headed will have no difference between rich and poor,” Rover explained. “I also know Lolly, who is a close friend of mine from Area 2, she’s very nice and I met her on the train a few months ago. As well as a newcomer who I think might be coming from A3 too! Her name is Peanut, pink squirrel, and she was on the train just before you,”
Silence fell through my face.
That’s when it hit me. The girl who I first saw in Area 3, who was small. I could not see her color in the darkness of the narrow hallway but her sign on the notepad and her face, was clear enough to see when I was in the regal room. Where was she? Why was she there? Why wasn’t she in the regal room? And why was the two people Rover knew from train trips, from the Area?
Chapter 1
Silently, I walked out of the glistening hallway to a small path creaking as a line formed with animals all shapes and sizes. One, very distinctive only a few infront of me, looking back to stare at what I first though was my watch but then I realised it was staring at my skirt that had blue bleach torn through them. The path was lit darkly by a lightbulb. So dark you couldn't see four steps ahead of you. A microphone tore the ears of the crowd every two minutes, calling an unsuspected name to come forth.
A girl infront of me, could have been only seven years old, whispered along to me,
"How long have you been waiting" Her eyes were dark, circles formed around them and were as black as twilight. She has slow ears that pointed up but only her hands could keep them like that. Her dress was ripped in the front and she looked like she hadn't slept for days
"3 minutes I suppose," I whispered back, leaning down because she was so small and so innocent looking.
She ran forth as her name was called, like she has just won a million dollars, although maybe this was HER million dollars. I had been sent to wait in this line, for what I did not know. Living in a strange world, surrounded by animals, well for almost all my life. It was then time I set forth to the world, yet not before I was supposed to. My mother had died, and for all I know I didn't have a father. They said a giant industrial inclosed area had my answers. It was then I realised, nobody standing in the line was over 18.
The slow microphonic sound echoed as my name was called 'Nallie'
I didn't know what to do. Was I suppost to run up the empty space in this narrow path? Was I suppost to run and yell 'OH YEA I JUST WON A MILLION BUCKS SUCKAS!!' I didn't do either. I walked down the path, watching envious animals take jealous looks at me. The girl, who had looked at my skirt before, followed my traces. I didn't dare to look back, but to keep walking, assuming they would take her away at some point. I had walked for what it seemed hours to finally arrive at a counter, quite a far way from the line. A fair old turtle said there, staring at my paperwork and a lot at me.
"Tortimer, Have a seat" The turtle said without taking a glance off his page.
I took a seat, then the girl took one too. It seemed now I could take a proper look at her, since the light was brighter and at least it wasn't that dim. She seemed creepy, her face looked like a gyroid and she seemed to have bullet holes in her head. Her mouth gleamed open and then I whispered,
"Shut your mouth now" I was worried of being scared for life but she shut her mouth and then began to stare at my skirt again. "What are you looking at?" I whispered again. She just started to whimper, like she had a speech disorder. She looked at her shoes, going back and forth. She nodded and pulled a sad face. Tortimer looked down from the counter. He pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose, staring at me and this weird gyroid girl.
"Nallie and Coco, Correct?" Tortimer said while staring at us.
I nodded with respect and Coco spoke,
"Coco Milfield, This is Nallie Milfield. Relation with her, Sister," I took a glance and my mouth drooped as she spoke. Clearly she had been mistaken. I wasn't a bunny, nor a rabbit. I was simply me. But no, this 'Coco' wasn't mistaken. She hadn't spoken to me yet, but knew my last name, how horrifying yet extravagant.
"Good to know Coco. Now, Nallie. I see your mother has recently passed away. I can also see that you have no connection whatsoever to your father. Yet we have brought Coco because she has a connection to your father. You are both sisters. I can assume you have never met before. You two will be paired up for the time being. We are sending you off to a town so that you will be able to grow up as you are quite young. Only 16 I see Nallie. As for you Coco, only 15," Tortimer sent a guard over to us, and we were huddled away to a room not far off from the counter.
"You are not my sister, you mistaken brat," I mumbled to Coco, who replied with a sniffling cry as if she never knew what pain felt like.
Chapter 2
The guards walked us into a huge room, filled with chandeliers and glass paintings. The scent of a burning pot roast and small chimes like a window breaking slowly and gracefully. Two chairs were planted in the middle, assumably that me and Coco would sit in them. I sat in one, uncomfortable chair whilst Coco decided to stand until a guard signalled her to sit. He smiled as 5 other guards came in, with suitcases and bags and all that travelling nonsense. One, I saw was my black polly-ware bag from Criscaltron where I lived with my mom. I signalled the guards to bring it over. Yet they left all the bags in the room and walked off.
"What are all these bags?" I gasped as I ran over when the guards left.
"Mostly mine. I have bags full of things for us. After I left father I decided to go spree shopping. What do you think?" Coco smiled for the first time.
"Well If we are going to live together it may be nice. Who are you really?" I took a slight look at coco's hands which shuffled inside of her pockets as she stared her row of baggage crossing half of the room.
"Coco Milfield. Like I told tortimer...I don't look anything like you because, well, It's a long story. But to cut it, OUR father made me have surgery to look like a driod. I never knew why," Coco started to cry and I held her hand pushing my hand across her arm, lengthening her legs and smiled gracefully.
Coco sat back in the chair, and stared at the chandelier as her eyes moved back and forth. It was like she was afraid. Deep into her eyes was her mind spinning. Coco lept inside, she was fascniated by this girl whom she had tricked and had tricked everyone around her into thinking she was her sister. Coco was just laying there, like a brick in a wall. I glanced over my shoulder a couple times as I was searching through my valuables. Trying to make sure everything was perfectly stored and safe. Yet most of my things were ruined or broken in some un-ordinary way.
I looked around the room suspiciously, eyeing mostly the windows. They were all overlooking the same view, every window. I went straight the the nearest one, and look out. Creepy and scared that yet I thought we were underground. Did we go back up above ground? My eyes were still tracing back to Coco, who hadn't moved an inch since we stopped talking. Her eyes were black and dark and seemed like time traveling universes parallel to each other in sorrow and dispare. I was worried at that moment, whether I was going to survive what may have been a terrifying moment of my life. I stared out the window, and in reflection saw myself.
I'm a petite little cub, my mother was a bear and apparently my father was too. This made Coco seem so unlikely to be any relation to me. I understand color skin change and growthism, but changing species isn't regular or even common. I tapped Coco on the back and she awoke (I presume) in a startled effect and turned around to face me.
"What is it Nallie?" She scowled at me. Sounding more like a bear than a bunny rabbit.
"I was wondering what your doing" I replied back, my heart racing like a tornado
"Dreaming...What else?"
"You could have been like, um, well, Dead?"
"You silly imagination Nallie. Just be quiet and wait for the guards to come,"
"When will they come?"
"Oh only a couple minutes now," Coco turned around and fell back to what I think is "asleep" for her.
I turned around as well, only to find a small hamster looking back. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window. In reflection a small pink hamster looked back at me. She had a notepad with her. It was rusty and where she was must have been too. She looked scared and hurt and all she said on the notepad was:
"I'm Peanut and I'm trapped,"
Chapter 3
I backed away from the window, my heart like a roller coaster and my brain, a swirl of childhood nightmares. I decided to turn around and wake up Coco. In which I did, tip toeing to her and whispering in her ear.
"Ever seen a pink squirrel say I'm trapped?" I took a huge sarcastic smile as Coco whisked around to where I was standing.
"WHAT PINK SQUIRREL???" She was gasping.
At that moment her eyes went smaller, she had her mouth open and another hole appeared on her droid face. I gasped and pointed, as she took a grin and stood up. She brushed herself down and went straight to the window. I could see Peanut, the squirrel and all Coco did was stare at her. Coco looked angry, her hands went slightly orange and I was worried she was going to punch the window till her hands bled. But that wasn't it. Coco's reaction to this poor trapped girl was devastating, she laughed.
At that moment two guards arrived, they were goats dressed in pure white. Sweating as they pushed open the giant wooden doors that echoed in the white room. They shuffled past the baggage to where me and Coco were standing.
"Nallie please go with Mr. Manchester, this guard over here. He will escort you to the train in which you will arrive to a new town. Coco, come with me, you have a little explaining to do for Police cops Copper and Booker," The main guard explained.
I held onto my bag as Mr. Manchester took me out of the room and down the narrow hallway again. We walked for about 10 minutes, out of the inclosed area and finally standing in front of a wide building. My ears rattled to the sounds of noises, where as in the area I had been for the past day was as quiet as dusk in the amazon. My heart sank beneath me as my feet plunged into the stairwell of the station, and the sight of animals in every direction made me nearly fall to my feet. I wasn’t sure whether to stare at all the rich passer byers or just gaze at the chandelier that held the majority of the light in such a large accommodation. Many animals were covered in highly priced clothing, and their luggage was overfilled with items and heaved in train stickers. One small cub smiled as she walked past me, but her mother slapped the cub and told her not to look.
“Take no notice, they are just filthy with money,” Mr. Manchester was carrying a small briefcase and walking fast in front of my pace.
Soon enough though, we arrived to the platforms which were haunted by tens of trains. Many of the signs I saw could not have been any more devastating, as I finally knew where I was.
“Are we in... New Leaf?” I shivered, clasping my teeth together.
“Yes. Did you not know that? This is the central train hub for New Leaf state,” Mr. Manchester spoke, whilst smiling.
I stopped, “I lived in the state of Wild World, how do I get back? Is there a train?”
I was so clueless about my surrounding world. I knew about City Folk, and the state of Dobutsu no mori but I had never heard of New Leaf.
“You are very far from Wild World, I don’t think you’ll ever return home Nallie. I am bringing you to the town of McFlurry, and I have not been told about you whereabouts at home, but I assume it will be hard adjusting for you,” Mr. Manchester continued walking, as I followed his steps.
In another few minutes, we arrived at platform 87, where a two-carriage train beeped with the one minute warning. My shoes clicked as I stepped onto the second carriage, clutching my rolling suitcase with me. Mr. Manchester did not follow, and stood for a few seconds sucking in his cheeks.
“This is where I say my farewell’s Miss. Nallie,” His feet began the shuffle away.
“WAIT! What am I supposed to do!? I can’t just travel to a random country myself! DON’T LEAVE! I need some help, like where I’m going to live and whe-,” Suddenly the train doors closed, and Mr. Manchester waved as I cried and screamed inside the carriage. Soon after, I calmed myself down enough to take a seat, and begun pulling out an old edition of the Able Sisters Wild World Collection.
“Is this seat taken?” A smile rose upon a small kitty’s face.
I shook my head in a circular motion, hoping he would leave. But so he didn’t. The cat was about as tall as I was, and had a blue rim and body. His face was partially white, making a cone shape to the bridge of his forehead. He wore a diamond red sweater with a gold trimmed collar and the inside of his ears where faced out, visibly yellow.
“Rover, nice to meet you...” Rover’s face begun to make a smiling questioning face.
“Nallie,” I turned bright red, fearing that he was enjoying my company a bit too much.
“Don’t worry, I travel alongside people very often. In fact, since the New Leaf train line was built about 6 months ago, I haven’t been traveling on trains since about 2002. Where are you from I might ask?” He curved his lips into a smiling face, awaiting my response.
“Wild World, town of Terios. I don’t even know why I’m going on this train, I came from Area 3,” I almost felt as if I were going to cry, and my words came out slowly.
“Area 3... I’m so sorry, have you lost anyone recently?”
“My mother,”
“Don’t be so sad! Come on, you’ve got friendly train company, anyway... You must be headed to McApple? Or McHamlet? OH WAIT! McFlurry?” Rover grinned.
“McFlurry, why are there so many Mc town names?” I widened my eyes and begun enjoying the conversation more and more. It was a way to pass time, as my stomach was exploding from the previous incident.
“They are named after the saint hamsters, who invented the villages of Mc, to signify wealth in all parts. In all sense, the place your headed will have no difference between rich and poor,” Rover explained. “I also know Lolly, who is a close friend of mine from Area 2, she’s very nice and I met her on the train a few months ago. As well as a newcomer who I think might be coming from A3 too! Her name is Peanut, pink squirrel, and she was on the train just before you,”
Silence fell through my face.
That’s when it hit me. The girl who I first saw in Area 3, who was small. I could not see her color in the darkness of the narrow hallway but her sign on the notepad and her face, was clear enough to see when I was in the regal room. Where was she? Why was she there? Why wasn’t she in the regal room? And why was the two people Rover knew from train trips, from the Area?
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