Your Accomplishments!


Professional Lurker™
Jun 22, 2014
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
New Leaf Token
Pikachu Easter Egg
Valentine's Rose
Valentine's Rose
Tasty Cake
October Birthstone (Opal)
Here, you can post all of your accomplishments. Great or small. Every accomplishment matters.
It could be something as small as, "I smiled at a random person today.", because I know for some, that is a pretty big accomplishment...Just anything.

I'll start! ^-^

I bought my first sketchbook, and I think my sketches/drawings are getting a little better.
I successfully scraped paint off of two windows with a razor blade, yesterday. My hand cramped up for a few minutes, and I couldn't hold the razor blade, but I got through it.
I got mad at someone, but I managed not to go off on them and left the subject alone.

That's all I can really think of right now.

I'm not sure, exactly if this would go here, or in a different place. I rarely venture out of the basement. So, forgive me, if this is the wrong place.
im making an rpg. i made a lot of progress this weekend, as ive mapped the first two areas for one of the maps. believe me, its hard BUT i can do this. i must be strong
Figured out the code of some HTML! It wasn't too hard as it only looked complicated but I feel accomplished huhuehue
I did a rough sketch of Rosa, from Subrosia, in Oracle of Seasons, completely from memory! :D
I also got over my slight fear of completely ****ing up my sketchbook...
I remembered to wake my friend up in time, and I beat a couple of bosses in Oracle of Seasons...
I made it into an honors program for a university! I wrote the essay an hour before it was due and I wrote about Iggy Azalea haha! I applied just to see if I would get in, but didn't think I would and had no intention of going there. The university I plan on attending has yet to say anything about their honors program. Crossing my fingers!
I did unusually well today for our taper sets in swimming o_o
I have successfully made it through 3 dungeons in Oracle of Seasons...
I know have two seasons and three essences :D
This is the most progress, I have ever made in the game. I always got stuck on the third one.
I'm currently rewriting a character for the millionth time for a story I've been working on for well over two years. Doesn't really sound like an accomplishment but every rewrite makes him better!
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I'm currently rewriting a character for the millionth time for a story I've been working on for well over two years. Doesn't really sound like an accomplishment but every rewrite makes him better!

I always rewrite things, mostly for the better and especially on assignments/finals things. But that's because they are very strict with how you quote and list sources here. I guess sometimes it spills over to more casual work as well.

Nice avatar by the way :)
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I successfully digitized my first drawing of Gir ^-^
I also sketched Spongebob, from memory (I haven't really seen spongebob in a while)...He looks like ****, but you can tell it's Spongebob ^-^
Helped build some more shutters, and successfully broke some bad news.
Also got a little further in Oracle of Seasons.
I haven't coughed up my lungs
I drew a nearly close to recogizable picture of aph italy
I didn't cry when talking about something I'd rather not share
I didn't get mad when my school book spelled Chanukah as Hanukkah