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Your best and worst memory from new leaf?


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2021
Sautéed Mushrooms
My best memory from animal crossing was when my boyfriend came over and we partied with all of the new festival items and costumes with the other villagers, also christmas he got me something really nice and thoughtful that we could play with together.

My worst memory is when my marshal almost moved out! I accidentally spoke to him and almost chose the wrong thing D:

What's yours?
my best memory was playing online with someone i met on miiverse years ago, they were super friendly and literally amazing but unfortunately i wasn't able to add them again after i got a new DS 😔
i used to have hardly anything in NL because i didn't know how to play it properly and they helped me out so much like paying off my public work projects and getting me the silver tools, i'm still so grateful for everything they had done for me and i wish i could pay them back now i have wayy more stuff but i still really enjoyed the time i spent with them 😊💖

the worst was when i opened my game and wolf link had just randomly moved away, it broke my heart
like i moved him back in instantly but i was still pretty annoyed lol
Best: finding fang, one of my favorite villagers
Worst: monty moving in the way of where I was trying to put a path. I was like 😡 because I spent hours designing the path and planning everything out untill it turned out to be worthless
while i have plenty of good memories from new leaf, my favourite is of one of my first (and last!) experiences with club tortimer. i solemnly ever used club tortimer despite paying the 60¿ medals for it as i was quite anxious and didn’t like the idea of not knowing who i’d be running into. however, i decided to bite the bullet one day and that’s when i ran into ‘hannah’. we didn’t really talk but we did some island tours together and at the end, she gifted me the ukulele that she had bought and left. it might be a bit silly but even after all these years, that memory never fails to make me smile and i hope that wherever ‘hannah’ is, they’re doing well. 🧡

my worst memory is of when beau, my #1 favourite villager at the time, moved out. this was back when i was in 6th grade and i hadn’t played for a week due to a depressive funk. finally, i managed to muster up enough energy to boot up the game, only to have isabelle inform me that beau was in boxes. while i managed to get him back eventually and now have him on my new horizons island, that memory stings like a b**** and i still remember just how defeated i felt. 😪
My best memories are probably the birthdays. Even if it's just a video game, it still means a lot to me to be there and when villagers celebrate my birthday too. My worst memory would probably have to be when villagers I didn't like move in and it took them a while for them to move out.
My best memory was probably when I got the Amiibo card for my favorite villager, Grizzly, and moved him into my town. I was so excited. He had been my favorite since the GameCube and I had actually refused to play the other Animal Crossing games because I didn't think they would feel the same without him. So getting him in New Leaf was a big deal for me.

My worst memory was the most stress I've ever felt when playing this game, which admittedly was nothing compared to the stress in my day to day life. I randomly encountered Anicotti in my second town and that made me ecstatic because she was another of my favorites from my old GameCube town. I wanted to move her from my second town to my main town, so I time-traveled her out and picked her up with my mayor in Sakura. Sakura was already pretty much fully landscaped and I knew exactly where I wanted Anicotti's house to go. I laid down all the patterns to force her to move there and logged off for the day. The next day I forgot to log in with a new save file first to check the plot and, of course, I missed a spot with my patterns. Anicotti moved in and destroyed part of my zen garden. I spent a lot of time debating about what to do, whether I should just let her go or completely revamp everything around her. In the end, I found her Amiibo card for cheap and bought it. I moved her out and back into the correct spot, but then I had trouble regrowing the trees and bushes that she killed. I had to take down much of the surrounding landscaping and start over. But I eventually got it all back to the way I wanted it and I had my best friend back, so it was worth the days of frustration.
My best memory was probably last year when my cousin was visiting my island a lot during all of the shutdowns. I was also able to send him some gifts or his birthday and last day of junior year through the in game mail system.

My worst memory was way back when I was trying to get rid of Hans. He. would. not. move.
I think I eventually forced him out via amiibo. I can't remember.
Best: All the times I've found out that villagers react to specific outfits/accessories. Antonio was once very embarrassed to tell me I looked nice in a tuxedo, Winnie thought I was a spy because I was wearing the white formal suit and pants, and Chief said I shouldn't be surprised if the cops showed up because I was walking around casually wearing a gas mask.

Worst: The first time I met a hacker on Club Tortimer. I always make sure I can only meet people from my own country so it makes the chances of meeting hackers significantly lower, but this person somehow managed to get through that system and they were apparently from Virginia. When they came outside they started floating around the island and covered the ground in red roses, which wasn't so bad at first, but then they made my own character levitate in the air and I couldn't move, enter my inventory, or emote, but I could still use the chat. I begged for them to stop and they did eventually; afterwards I pretended to drop some things from my inventory (I was blocking them) before bolting back inside and leaving. I haven't seen them or anyone like them since but that experience left me petrified for a few days; it got to the point where I couldn't even look at the red roses I have in my own town because it reminded me of what happened and I was terrified that they would somehow arrive in my town at any second and corrupt my game.
TLDR; Hackers scare me.
I have tons of good memories from NL but the best has to be when I visited my brother's town and I saw his house.

The worst has to be club Tortimer and when my favorite villager at the time Boone moved. 9 year old me went to The Roost and sobbed.
my favourite memory of new leaf was when me and my cousins all connected, and went to either of our towns to play hide and seek, those were the funniest times.. someone would be “it” and we would all separate so no one would look at each other’s screens, and then we’d all pick a hiding spot. we were allowed to move hiding spots but we always did it lmao, we were all such cheaters. once we knew the person that was “it” already checked some place, we’d all go hide in the places they last checked so they wouldn’t know where to find us. we’d end up running around frantically and hiding indoors, up on main street, diving all the way in the corner of the water and all that, and it basically impossible for whichever one of us that was “it” to find the hiding spot. i guess we can’t really call it a hiding spot if we changed it every 5 minutes lmfao. whenever we connected we always would go to the island and go on tours for hours and hours on end, it was so hectic and crazy but so so fun. i just remember all of us screaming, laughing, and just having fun those days. those were the times.

worst memory would probably have to be when i had just filled up my basket at the island with only golden stags, horned hercules, and horned elephants after spending hours on that island collecting all of them to sell when i got back, only to have my battery go red and die out of nowhere, making me lose all the bugs, time, and effort that i spent catching all of them.
Best memory: Hanging out with @Peisinoe in her Harry Potter themed town.

Worst memory: When someone tried to scam me so I DCd. They then left me negative feedback on here which thankfully the BellTree team removed.
Best: Celebrating my best friend's birthday in the game. I collected up a bunch of rare Welcome Amiibo items, got a bunch of blue balloons in all three variations since it's her favorite color (and also some bubble wands), and enlisted the help of a villager trading thread here on the forums to get my friend her favorite villager, Sprinkle. We were both happy with how everything turned out and it's a great memory to look back on.

Worst: Not sure, to be honest. Not many particularly egregious examples come to mind. Maybe the time Jambette moved into my town unexpectedly and plopped her house directly on top of my only patch of purple roses. It's not all bad though, eventually more purple roses grew and, while I had Jambette move out so I could invite a villager I liked more, I came to appreciate Jambette over the course of her stay.

Maybe I'll remember something else sometime that was worse, but otherwise I'm drawing a blank.
I think probably my best memory was finally getting all the PWP requests I'd been trying for months to get. I did the swimming trick for so long each day trying to get PWP requests :'D

My worst I think was modding my game. It took all the fun out of it for me really, yes I could get anything I wanted, items, bells etc, but there was nothing for me to do really, and it just completely spoilt it for me :L
My best memory was when I won a contest that was from Nintendo, about Animal Crossing New Leaf =)

My worst was when my favorite Villager was in some weird way bugged. Like, the second I would go into my house he would be knocking to come in. Every. Single. Time T-T
My best memory was when I caught all the bugs, fish, and sea creatures! I did that a few months ago! I have been playing since March 2014 so I FINALLY GOT THE GOLDEN ROD AND NET MEANING THAT I FINALLY HAVE ALL GOLDEN TOOLS YEEEEEEEES!

My worst memory was when Felicity moved out of my town once. I was really little then and cried for like 6 days. Then I think a few months later my mother bought me a series 2 amiibo card pack hoping she would be in there but I actually got someone I like better! Ruby!!
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My best memory was Tortimer Island. I spent so many hours just talking with lots of people, even though most were just trolls or didn’t speak English.
My worst memory was Mac moving out of my town. I’m glad villagers don’t leave without your permission in New Horizons!
My best is when Marshal sent me 2 letters literally hitting on me.


My worst is when my group of online friends left me for NH :') I mean, it was inevitable, but it hurt that they didn't even try to keep in touch.
Best: "Finishing" my town, when I got to a point where I was satisfied with how it looked, I was very happy with myself!
Worst: When I deleted my save file in 2016 not knowing the consequences that had. If I could time travel and not only prevent that from happening but also hit my 12-13 year old self, I would