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Your fears/worst nightmares?


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Jan 25, 2020
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I'm sure this thread exists, but...
I've been thinking about what I fear lately. Some of them are weird. So, what do you fear? Also, what is your worst nightmare based off of one of your fears?
My fears:
-Heights (can't even swing that high on the swingset lol)
-Sports balls flying all around me at top speeds because last time they did that not only did I get hit in the face but I passed out for 2 seconds and my glasses broke so that girl owes me about 100 bucks (sorry kinda went on a rant lol)
-The dark (yes... still.)
-People judging me
-Being in front of a large audience
-Drowning since I am unfortunately too weak to swim

My worst nightmare:
I've actually experienced this in the 4th grade. We were on a road trip, and I don't remember if it was the trip there or back, but it was a canyon and at this specific part there was no fencing. And my idiot 9 year old self, looked down into the canyon. I was kind of near the edge, and me being horrified of how high we were up I moved away as fast as possible. We were still taking pictures, and my parents told me that I would be fine and that I had nothing to be scared of and to go back where I was standing. When we left I ran back to the car as soon as I could. I still have nightmares of this moment. Just don't ever want to risk almost falling to my death ever again.
I agree with you on cliffs without guardrails. I don't know which person thought it was a good idea not to put some up around cliffs. I'm afraid of heights, but only when they're high enough for injury. Which leads me to my next fear, which is tornadoes. I've never experienced one, and I hope to never have to worry about seeing one in person. Thunderstorms scare me, too. Apparently it's an irrational fear to be afraid of thunderstorms, which is stupid, because lightning can kill you. Sharks is another one. I've never been in the ocean, and I'm not about to find out what that's like.
hoo boy i have a lot of fears lmao but i think the main ones are:

bugs (esp spiders and centipedes lmao)
presentations/group work
the dark
death (as someone who’s been consistently suicidal, i’m shocked that i’m actually scared of dying aha)
being kidnapped
going out by myself

as for my worst nightmare, while i also have many of these, my absolute worst nightmare is the day that my mom and cat die. death is inevitable but the fact that they could die at any moment is just,, terrifying to me ;u;
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I hate arachnids with a firey passion and also super fear them. Just seeing one makes my skin crawl.

I can't remember when I had this nightmare but it was when I was still in high school, maybe junior year. For context, I'm not out to my parents as pansexual, but I don't fear what would happen if I told them. I'm not in fear for my life that they'd disown me when I eventually tell them, but I still haven't.

In the dream my parents drove me to a mental hospital type building because they found out I was lesbian and dating a girl (i'm not lesbian irl nor have I dated a girl ever, it's just weird dream stuff). Once I put on the hospital gown and a cartigan I was escorted to my room, a drab concrete cement box with a grey metal desk against a wall with a small black notebook to 'write my thoughts in'. All of the walls, floors and ceiling of the entire building were made of that same dull grey concrete, smooth with no markings, the only thing with colour was the maroon runner rug that led from my room to the lobby area. At one point I was allowed to call my girlfriend named Minnie. I don't remember the details of the conversation but that she knew where I was and that she would be waiting for me when I got out.

When I finally woke up from that I was so out of it. I had to question where I was cause the dream felt so real. I felt the maroon carpet on my bare feet, I could almost feel the cold walls even thou I never touched them. For a second I really thought I woke up in the bed there. Even after I saw I was in my own bedroom I was still on a haze for a bit, walking around making sure I wasn't there and was in my own house. I even looked at a wall to make sure it was painted and not made of concrete.

While the dream itself isn't a typical horror nightmare, I still find it eerie that it left that effect on me, even after I woke up. The images of concrete walls and marroon carpets are burned into my mind.
Dolls have been my biggest fear since I ever saw one and I'm already an adult but I still feel chills from it. Whether it's a stuffed toy or those plastic dolls I feel like I'll faint front seeing one. I don't even recall how it started I just know that sometime around my childhood I just felt a great deal of vehemence to it that I never resolved and now I'm not sure how to address it because I don't know why I'm afraid of it.
I have really bad emetophobia, like to the point that it was the root of most of my mental illness rip.
also im scared of butterflies.

planes kinda give me anxiety but only because I dream of them crashing once a week, and Richie V's story is scary.
- Alligators/crocodiles for some reason
- Nausea/vomiting (when it's me)
- The thought of being on a bridge over water in a car and the car falling in to the water
- Spinal injuries. Or just anything to do with the spine
- Someone trying to break in to the house to abduct me
- I definitely will not go on rollercoasters
- The unknown
- Failure
- Homelessness (not homeless people, just if I ever become homeless)
- Losing my husband + family
- That I will never get over this ridiculous art block
- Driving, honestly. Though I have a driver's license
In high school, I used to dream about getting a test and having literally no idea how to do a single question. Ironically, I never had this nightmare during university.

The overall most terrifying nightmare I've had was, before learning how to drive, I was sitting in the passenger's seat next to my mum, who suddenly fainted at the wheel, so I had no choice but to take control of the steering wheel. The next runner-up would have to be dreaming of all my teeth falling out.

When I'm not sleeping:
  • Failure
  • Not being able to buy a house in the future
  • Taxes and student loans
  • My intentions being misunderstood
Well this is gonna be really deep and really sad but here goes:

Dying with no one to love me or care about me/abandonment. I don't have a ton of people in my life and I'm terrified that my friends will one day turn on me and exclude me from everything, and I will have no one. It's really sad but that's one of my all-time worst fears.

Never being good enough. I'm terrified of not finding a job I love and disappointing my family (my family is very complex and I feel like I need to be perfect and set a good example because my family is... important our town). I want to be the one to find the job they love, but I feel like I will pass on and realize that I didn't really do anything meaningful in my life.

On a more separate, less dark note: suffocation scares me just a bit! Drowning I'm fine with for some odd reason, but suffocating in a room with no oxygen seems horrible.

So... yeah. I've got s t u f f. Sorry you had to read that lol, it's not very pretty.
Most of my fears don’t appear in my dreams. Usually the nightmares I have are normal dreams that have some abrupt ending. Regardless, here are my worst fears and the worst nightmare I’ve had.
- Deep sea creatures.
- Touching fish
- Standing on unstable stairs or ladders.
- People who smirk for seemingly no reason.
- Being stuck living in one place with no other options.
- Having a short term relationship with someone immature and/or aggressive.
- Unintentionally raising a child who becomes a bully in school.
- Having a short lifespan due to poor life decisions.
- People gossiping within earshot.
- Having a car hit me while I’m walking down the road.

When I was 10 I dreamt that I was navigating my school at night. The hallways were sparsely lit, making thin outlines the only thing I could see. At one point a classmate walked by me and he appeared off. Instead of a human head, the child had a “Vulpix” head with beady red eyes. I snuck out of the library, my heart bursting through my chest. As it turns out, the boy wasn’t alone. Several Vulpix headed children surrounded me and started to chew on my skin. I woke up in a cold sweat.
I created this fear for myself that what if one day, my child got out of bed while we were sleeping, turned on the oven, then climbed inside and burned alive? How I thought of that, I don't know.
  • Burns/Fires - I've had serious burns before and it was by far the worst injury experience I've had
  • Break-in/Attacker - As a kid I was almost abducted on more than one occasion...I get recurring dreams from the experiences and somehow that bled over into getting scared being home alone/worrying someone would break into the home while I was alone etc
  • Beetles/Centipedes/Grubs/Legs on shrimp - They just look creepy (I make my husband peel shrimp when we buy them lol)
  • Tons of small holes close together aka Trypophobia
  • Not really scared of death but moments like these pandemic wise and being in healthcare atmosphere does make me worry for having enough measures set up so if something happened my husband wouldn't be without support (funeral things planned, will, etc)
  • Parenting - fears of how pregnancies will go, how births will go, if we'll be good enough parents, emotional aspects if hard situations arise with trying to concieve...so basically probably what most people feel before having kids
  • Racism - my husband gets a lot of racism and especially with the pandemic making it much worse I worry about him even more when he's leaving work or out alone. I find myself a lot going with him places, even though I normally woulda passed on going lol, just because certain situations happening and I'd be devastated if I didn't go somewhere with him and something happened
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  • Being abandoned / abandonment (having BPD makes this even worse, but I'm incredibly worried at all times that if I say the wrong thing or make a mistake, people will leave. I don't want people to leave me, even if it's out of my control...)

  • Bees / any type of buzzing insect (it triggers my fight or flight response, not to mention it gets my adrenaline levels super high. I can't stand it, I'm soooo scared of buzzing insects, especially if they fly)

  • Airplanes and ferris wheels + other similar things (I used to just have a fear of heights, but realized shortly after being on many roller-coasters and being high up in the air for short amounts of time, it's just stuff like airplanes I'm really scared of. Ferris wheels, too. I'm up in the air for an undisclosed amount of time and it makes me so paranoid)

  • Hair (I'm not sure why but I've got such a huge fear of it for some reason. I can't stand it, it freaks me out. With how much hair I shed due to stress I'm always flailing about over it. I don't like hair. It's scary lol, not sure how else to explain this)

  • Saliva (when I was younger, my brothers and I used to share a cup to drink water off of to save dishes. ANYHOW, my one brother would always leave a hugeeee trail of it on the cup and I have never been the same since. I'm petrified of saliva. No thanks)

  • Childbirth (not sure why, but I'm just scared to death of the pain, amongst many other things)
I have plenty of fears, but the biggest one is fearing that I won't be able to take care of myself when I'm an adult. It's a real fun feeling being scared of something that serious.

*fortnite default dance*
I always get anxious when crossing streets since I've almost been hit by cars twice now. The second incident gave me nightmares for a while, despite the first car going much faster. Probably a healthy fear to have since it's such a common cause of death.
My smaller fears are being bored, and just people in general.

My biggest fear is that everyone close to me will die before me, and that I won't know what to do with myself after that happens.