Your first console?

The first one I ever had was a Nintendo 64. I still play it when I go home to my parents' house for the holidays. Our controllers are in pretty rough shape though lol
Sega Master System. We had barely any games on it. We mostly rented our games. Or either played the built in motorbike racing game, a light gun duck shooting game... or the hidden maze game that involved a snail.
My first console was the first playstation, played me some crash bandicoot and frogger on it. I also played Nintendo 64 at my babysitter's house, it was fun.
my first one was the gamecube. i don't have it anymore (because i got a wii when i was nearly ten, which got replaced by the wii u five years later), but it's still my favourite console to this day.
First nintendo console was the Wii. Other than Nintendo it was the PS1

Uhh, sorry to burst your bubble mate but that's incorrect. First nintendo console was back in the EARLY 1990's... Here, here's a picture of it.


EDIT: Whoops, my apologies - I read what you wrote wrong - please accept my apology.
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Gameboy Color as for my Nintendo consoles I think in.. 2000? Maybe lol my parents were always late with stuff.