
I'm back on NH!
Jul 30, 2013
October Birthstone (Opal)
Silver Mailbox
User Title Color Change
Avatar Width Extension
100% (62) +

I have Zucker in boxes ready to go, unfortunately due to a TT accident in my alt town. This will be a short auction and will run from now until I find a set time to end it. I will be going to class now, so when I come back I will see what I see.
; __ ; Hope he goes to a good home, rather then greed for another auction.
I will decide if he is your dream villager or not; I'd rather have people bid who actually want him, not just to sell.

I have the right to extend the auction time.
BUYOUT= Stitches,Julian,Marshal(Preferably in boxes)
My time is PST (Pacific Standard Time) Thanks!
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He is my last dreamie, I would make a sig but i dont know how to make a cool one.
Offering 2.5mil
He'll go well with Octavian :I

15 Million.
He's not a 100% of a Dreamie, But he's one I could consider since nobody is selling me the ones I want :I

But as the first post says, doesn't have to be your Dreamie if you wanna bid on him q.q
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He's not a 100% of a Dreamie, But he's one I could consider since nobody is selling me the ones I want :I

But as the first post says, doesn't have to be your Dreamie if you wanna bid on him q.q

o_O what? The post says they will choose who gets Zucker, keeping in mind if they're a dreamie or not, meaning they will decide based on how much you want them in addition to your bid.
Meaning it is supposed to be a dreamie of yours....
I mean 25/26 mil, I hope they your dreamie to spend that much XD
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"I will decide if he is your dream villager or not; I'd rather have people bid who actually want him, not just to sell."
Please read a tad further before jumping the gun, you don't have to have him as a Dreamie and she even knows I'm too lazy to TT him out for re-selling.

She knows I like Octopus villagers, I've had Marina (I GAVE her Marina) and I adore Octavian, Zucker is my least favorite of the bunch thus why he's not a top priority.
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He's not a 100% of a Dreamie, But he's one I could consider since nobody is selling me the ones I want :I

But as the first post says, doesn't have to be your Dreamie if you wanna bid on him q.q

You explicitly said he is not, nuff said.