• Sakura Week is here on The Bell Tree! Starting Tuesday night, you can grow rare flower hybrids by strategically arranging your collectible line-up. Plus, earn free Bells or buy special Historic Scenery! Get started here.

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  • Dinosaur
    Dinosaur sparkly watered the flowers on . Rarity .'s post in the thread TBT's Sakura Week.
    I wonder if I could use my hybrids as prizes, hmmm Also just finished watering haha
  • Dinosaur
    Dinosaur sparkly watered the flowers on Paperboy012305's post in the thread TBT's Sakura Week.
    I’m now caught up with the watering in this thread, it took longer than expected.
  • himekirako
    himekirako reacted to aericell's post in the thread What Are You Happy About Today? with Love Love.
    i'm on spring break for the next 2 weeks and it felt sooo good to turn off my alarms this morning and sleep in a little. was also able...
  • himekirako
    himekirako reacted to Mimi Cheems's post in the thread What Are You Happy About Today? with Love Love.
    I'm happy today.. because Sakura Week is here :3 I don't have enough for a Golden Watering Can.. so I may have to skip event >< This is...
  • himekirako
    himekirako reacted to JellyLu's post in the thread What Are You Happy About Today? with Celebrate Celebrate.
    I've become addicted to Cookie Run Kingdom and received so many epic cookies today, including my one of my favorites :) I also was able...
  • himekirako
    himekirako replied to the thread A-Z of movies.
    what a girl wants
  • Rio_
    Rio_ sparkly watered the flowers on nightglow's post in the thread TBT's Sakura Week.
    If you are still interested I can trade one of my 2024 pink ones for a new white one? Edit, I saw your replies to someone else offering...
  • Rio_
    Rio_ sparkly watered the flowers on Snek's post in the thread TBT's Sakura Week.
    I really want the blue sakuras! Time to start watering! I hope everyone gets the flowers and sakuras that they want! 🌷🌸🌷🌸
  • Rio_
    Rio_ sparkly watered the flowers on Halloqueen's post in the thread TBT's Sakura Week.
    Yay, Sakura Week is finally here! Love the look of the three new Sakura color variants. Also glad to see that Zipper Sakuras can be...
  • Rio_
    Rio_ sparkly watered the flowers on nightglow's post in the thread TBT's Sakura Week.
    Thank you Leif for employment!! Also, I love the blue Sakura! It reminds me of forget me nots. I'll give it a whirl. Best of luck guys!!
  • himekirako
    himekirako replied to the thread Subtitles.
    i like having subtitles on whenever i’m watching a movie, occasionally on youtube as well since i watch subbed anime, i definitely...
  • lasagne_of_death
    lasagne_of_death sparkly watered the flowers on . Rarity .'s post in the thread TBT's Sakura Week.
    I wonder if I could use my hybrids as prizes, hmmm Also just finished watering haha
  • Rio_
    Rio_ sparkly watered the flowers on Chere.'s post in the thread TBT's Sakura Week.
    I'm remembering why I borrowed flowers for breeding and didn't buy a watering can last year (kind of pricey esp bc I went crazy with...
  • Rio_
    Rio_ sparkly watered the flowers on S.J.'s post in the thread TBT's Sakura Week.
    I would like to suggest we also breed turnips 🤔
  • Rio_
    Rio_ sparkly watered the flowers on skarmoury's post in the thread TBT's Sakura Week.
    i love how this event just fueled my spending habits 😭 i be like "okay one more sakura. maybe just one more. 59 bells wont hurt." and...