did the devs nerf anyone else's vision?

did your vision get nerfed?

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Apr 24, 2020
Rotating Fool's Egg
Red Envelope
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Nook's Fancy Turnip
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Christmas Candy
Festive Bell
Tin Robot
Tricolored Puppy Plush
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
when i was littler I had 2020 vision. in hindsight, wouldn't be very good now because 2020 was 4 years ago, but it was perfect back then because it was like 2016 or something. so I was probably seeing into the future, and now i can't see anything 7~ feet in front of me. is this a bug? did anyone else's vision get worse over time? does anyone know where I can contact support to see why my eyes stopped working properly :/ ? do i need to install the 20/24 vision update? i think this vision loss mechanic is very bad. ;-; /j
Yep, I'm nearsighted now. I definitely need to get glasses and make an appointment, but I hate the way I look in them LOL
yeah LOL my eyes have been getting just barely worse. like my lenses are so thin but to me it's a world of difference if i don't have them.
ive always had very bad vision and its gotten worse over the years, im nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other and one of my eyes is much worse and needs a way stronger lens
I wear glasses because I can't see far away. I hated them as a child, but now these things are an utter god send.
the devs nerfed my vision at birth :( because i have always had bad eyesight (nearsighted)

i didn't get contact lenses until i was 13 and i had glasses but never wore them bc i was ugly and they made me uglier LMAO. the devs knew i was too OP.
I don't actually remember if my vision was ever great, but I can't see well far away. At least not enough to read things like drive thru menus. Unfortunately, I don't have glasses. Just one of many things on the list of stuff to do when I finally get the healthcare.
nerfed in my childhood then buffed in the last year, though there was this weird bug some years back that is slowly being fixed now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
when i was in secondary school, i realized i was struggling to see the whiteboard and was a little excited by the prospect of getting glasses since i thought i might look prettier with them. i wore them all the time (except at home) up until the pandemic. they would constantly fog up while wearing my mask, and so i stopped wearing them since my nearsightedness isn't bad enough that it's a problem. i tried them on again recently, but the prescription is now "oudated", they just make the distance even blurrier than when i don't wear them. i'm sure my vision has actually improved in the years since i stopped wearing them? i remember distant things being blurrier, but there's a high chance that's just placebo and being used to my eyesight without them lol. i keep meaning to see the optician again and get the lenses updated but i put it off because i don't like when they blow air in your eyes and i'm not as keen on wearing glasses as younger me was. (and no chance am i wearing contacts lol.) for now, my vision isn't bad enough that it effects my life in really any way (i don't squint or anything) so not having them doesn't make much of a difference presently.
My vision def got worse. I think it's due to technology but my eye doctor said it's not and it's just due to natural aging. I dunno.

I can see both near and far with my right eye but with my left eye I can see near but far is blurry.
I used to have 20/15 vision when I was in high school and younger, but my vision has degraded since and I'm probably due for glasses. Need to get around to finally making an appointment to learn the specifics though.
Um. I got glasses. It's cuz I'm half-nearsighted. I like 'em. I try to wear them every day as recommended even though people tell me I shouldn't because they say if you wear glasses every day your vision could get worse.
I don’t need glasses. I’m the only person in my family that doesn’t. I was blessed with good vision, and thankfully, because I’m not sure I’d look good with them.
Um. I got glasses. It's cuz I'm half-nearsighted. I like 'em. I try to wear them every day as recommended even though people tell me I shouldn't because they say if you wear glasses every day your vision could get worse.
I don’t think that’s actually how it works. I think straining your eyes makes your vision worse if anything. So don’t worry about wearing them!
my vision has gotten worse, and i have a feeling it's because of technology. then again, my eyes weren't really good in the first place. my left eye has always been a little problem but i still didn't need glasses. now that it's BOTH, i definitely need to take a trip over to the optometrist because i'm getting tired of having to squint all the time. 😭

Apparently, my vision was nerfed at birth, but I had no idea. I thought I had perfect vision. All. My. Life.

But I actually have something called alternating exotropia. And what I always thought was "normal" vision, was really abnormal. I can see things clearly, but everything always had like an outline/copy around it. Like this -

If I was tired or relaxed my eyes, the doubling would be really bad, and it was really hard to bring the pictures together to see. I always got better than 20/20 on eye tests, so thought it was normal.

But this year - I got the exotropia diagnosis and some prism glasses. It's like magic - the prism glasses bring the picture together and I can see just one of everything. Also, since getting the prisms, i haven't had the migraines, vertigo, etc that have plagued me forever.

So yeah - vision nerfed at birth, but took decades to figure it out. Pfft - who knew?
I’ve always been nearsighted. Until I got glasses at the age of 7 I thought the world was supposed to look blurry at a distance. Using screens and reading so much ever since I was a little kid has gradually worsened my vision even more and my glasses prescription gets stronger and stronger every time I get glasses.