Do you keep your handhelds?


🔮 Pokémon Master 🔮
Dec 13, 2014
Yellow Balloon
Pink Balloon
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Crystal Tree
As Nintendo progressed throughout the years, unfortunately I would sell my old console everytime a new one was released. I wish I kept them all as I would have a nice collection... *sigh*.... Here are all the handheld consoles I have had throughout the years...

Here's my purple gameboy before I sold it in 2014...

Here's my pink GBA that I also sold in 2014...

My next handheld was my BEAUTIFUL purple 3DS that I also stupidly sold...I regret everyday that I sold this one...

My next console was a Blue 3DS XL, but I hated the blue so this one didn't last long lol

Finally here is my current handheld and only one I have left, my switch lite...

Do you keep your handhelds? Or did you sell them stupidly, like me?
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i've sold most of them. the only ones i have now are a 3ds xl (yoshi), a new 3ds, and my switch.
i didn't own any handholds before the DS, so i only have that, my blue 3DS and my switch lite. i have owned three separate DSs, but my sister broke the first two, so i obviously don't have them anymore asdfghj. so long as they work, i see no reason to sell/recycle them.
I have all of mine still, and all of my old consoles, too. I've got my gray original Gameboy, and my dark green Gameboy Pocket, and my kiwi-green Gameboy Color, and my glacier GBA, and my light blue GBA SP, and my original gray DS, and my white DS lite, and my blue 3DS, and my light blue New 2DS. And my Switch, if that counts even though I play it exclusively docked.

And I have my NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, and Wii U. And my Switch.

I think the only Nintendo system I don't have any version of is the Virtual Boy, but I think anyone familiar with the Virtual Boy would understand why I don't have one. ^o^;>
I do! I still have my red Nintendo DS Lite, my blue 3DS XL, and my Nintendo Switch! ^^ I do have a PS Vita that I got a couple years ago that I'm considering letting go of though—any games I wanted for it have since come out on the Switch anyways oof. I'll check to make sure I'm not missing out on any console-exclusive content, but otherwise... she might get rehomed.
I've never sold any of my consoles, handheld or otherwise. I couldn't tell you off the top of my head where some of them (particularly the Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance) are at this moment other than vaguely in storage, but they're around here somewhere.
I have only ever sold one console of mine, which was the red 3DS XL I traded in to GameStop toward the New Leaf edition system. Otherwise, I still have every single handheld system I've ever owned.
I pretty much have all of mine. Including my very first console a DS Lite which I’ve had since I was 10.

I did sell one (old) 3DS XL but I had bought it used as an extra 2nd console so I wasn’t all that attached to it. I ended up selling it when I didn't really use it much anymore. I didn’t like the colour of it anyways. I later got a “New” 3DS XL when my original 3DS XL’s hinge started to crack. I still have the old one I’m just careful with it due to the crack.

For whatever reason I bought a used Lime Green Japanese “New” 3DS XL on a whim somewhat recently and I’ll probably resell it as I don’t really know why I bought it in the first place.

Basically any console I’ve extensively used or been attached to has never left my possession.
My first handheld console was the chunky, gray DS. It broke during a tug-a-war with my niece who was a toddler at the time. She didn’t want to let go.😅

The handhelds that I still have are a purple 3DS and a turquoise Switch Lite. I’m attached to a good number of the games on the 3DS, so I’m not tossing it out until I can’t fix it anymore. I imagine that it will be the same for my Switch Lite.
i have every console i've ever owned. my original red/black ds lite, my blue 3ds xl, glacier gameboy advance, and my animal crossing switch. i got an ips screen gba during quarantine so i could play the gameboy pokemon games on a nicer screen on the go. i really want to reshell my ds and 3ds and get new batteries. i love all of the customizing i've seen people do, so i'm really interested in trying it on my own.
I only have my gameboy color, nintendo DS, nintendo ds lite, and 3ds XL from my past consoles. I don't know where my older gameboys went but they likely got misplaced when my parents moved houses. My only other non-nintendo console, the PSP, was also lost somewhere. Even my gameboy color wasn't my original, I bought one again at a thrift store when I was in college.