The Hemingway Islands:My Extra Toes

New Horizons
Island/Town Name
The Hemingway Islands

The lazy boid named after an unpopular pizza topping(no,his name isn't Pineapple) is back in my game.I'm a sucker for those blocky Groucho Marx eyebrows.


I really like Cyd's new candy stripe pajamas.I wonder if he tastes like peppermint?


I've often wondered about our means of travel in New Horizons.Why does it take the same amount of time to get to any destination?How do those fat dodos fit inside that tiny airplane?Why don't we ever see the plane taking off or landing?



Is it proper bench sitting etiquette to face away from the game camera?This might be one of those goofy tendencies lazy villagers have or,maybe they just want to show off their tails.Sasha's tail looks like a fuzzy tennis ball.
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The age old question if whether a cranky villager prefers spaghetti or good ol' fashioned mac and cheese has finally been answered.It is spaghetti.

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Yes,I'd say your personality is barely visible and spooky.Say,is that a ghost umbrella you have there?



St.Hubbins was a place where a person could be themselves and say what's on their mind until one fateful day and a seemingly innocuous conversation over tea and coffee:


Finster: "...heh,heh,back home in Bug Tussle,Texas I'd eat at the local Sizzler restaurant at least four times a week!That there salad bar sure had some big garbanzos..."

Tabby:"Garbanzos??!!?That's a naughty word!At least I think it is......."


Finster: "One time my cousin Buford bought one of them German cars that had that fahrvergnugen thing in it or on it.His dang ol' engine blew up and leaked fahrvergnugen all over the place!"

Kiki: "Fahrvergnugen"!!??!I'm sure that's a bad word!Um,I actually don't really know what it means.....but it sounds bad!"


Tabby: "Mr.Nook,Finster said a bad word.....she said "garbanzo".
Tom Nook:"Garbanzo??!!?Surely,not......!"


Kiki: "Mr.Nook,I heard Finster say a naughty word!I don't know if I should even repeat it but she said "fahrvergnugen"!

Tom Nook: "Goodness,me!Fahrvergnugen?That's one of those dirty foreign words."


Tom Nook: "I can't have Finster using that sort of language with youngsters like Spork and Anchovy living on this island.They're very impressionable.I'd better talk to Finster before it's too late!"


Too late.
Not only was Finster saying "bad" words,she was doing things and making changes on the island:



She replaced the Official Flag of St.Hubbins which featured the face of St.Hubbins(the patron saint of quality footwear)with the face of St.Amand,the patron saint of bartenders and brew masters.


She asked Reneigh if she wanted to go "riding":

Finster: "So,your a nice fillly....hows about I get you a saddle so you can take me to the upper deck of the island?"

Reneigh: "Look,I didn't train myself to walk on my hind legs 24-7 just to haul your butt around!Go away."


She spoke like a pirate for a full day:

Finster:"Arrrghh,me porky matey!Unhand that there doughnut and give it here or I'll ties ya to the ol' yardarm!"

Spork: "Uh,huh,huh,'re funny!"


Then there was the infamous toga party.Contrary to several reports,Otis Day and the Knights did not perform at this party.
Tom Nook was in a pickle.He decided to gather his crew for a meeting to discuss "The Finster Problem":


Tom Nook: "Oy!Timmy,Tommy,,Isabelle!Come in here quick!We need to figure this out!"





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We have decided.


Tom Nook: "We need to have a private discussion in my study."

Finster: "Oh,you mean that weird,dark room with that one table?"

Tom Nook: "I happen to like sparsely furnished rooms."


Tom Nook: "We need to discuss your recent behavior..."

Finster: "I thought this was a "private" discussion.What's this corn fed fella doin' here?"

Tom Nook: "Oh,this is Mr.Beardo.He's a private detective I hired to help me with this investigation."

Finster: "Investigation?What did I do?"


Mr.Beardo: "I've looked into your past,missy and it's not pretty!I know about your father's foot fetish,your cousin Foop's relationship with a certain lady bear and I know that your mother did jail time for theft!"

Finster: "First of all,my daddy is a podiatrist and his fascination with feet is strictly professional.My momma was pledging a sorority in college and ordered a bucket of fried chicken in the drive-thru at the local KFC and took off without payin'.The police caught her and she was in the city jail for three hours until her sorority sisters could bail her out.As for my cousin Foop,well he and his gal Tutu just have that special kind o' relationship."


Finster: "What's my past gotta do with what's happening on this here island?


Tom Nook: "Oh..I don't know.But we did spend quite a few bells on Mr.Beardo's services.I didn't want that to go to waste I suppose.But that doesn't excuse your behavior.I'm going to have to ask you to leave the island of St.Hubbins!"

Finster:"Are you sure about that?"

Tom Nook: "Quite sure.Er....."

Finster: "Well,okay then.If I go,I take the whole island with me.Villagers,birds,fish,bugs,trees,buildings....the whole shootin' match."

Tom Nook: "Why that's impossible!That's outrageous!How can you take my island??"

Finster: "Well, ain't your island.It belongs to someone I call Mr.Thumbs.I got a picture of him.Wanna see it?Sure ya do!":



Finster: "Mr.Thumbs and I have that special kind o' relationship.Y'all could even say we're one and the same."

Tom Nook: "I..I don't know what to say..."

Finster: "Then don't say nothin'.I'm gonna say something.I want a few changes 'round here........."