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whens the last time you took a shower?

I too would be interested in the answer to this. Just know in advance I will probably judge you on how you answer, seeing how I hate getting stuck in an enclosed unventilated underground train carriage with people who can't possibly be washing regularly. :cautious:

I wash twice a day, once in the bath at night at once in the basin in the morning since I don't have a shower in my home as they're less common in the uk. You should wash when you return home at night if you live in a city. 😠
It’s usually every other day, and I do it at night. I don’t wash my hair every time, though. I’ll wash my hair about between two to three times a week. It’s mostly three, but I won’t force myself to wash it if I’m not feeling motivated to do so.
Last night. I shower every night and wash my hair every other night. It helps me relax and wind down for bedtime.
I showered last night, but I prefer morning/daytime showers. I wash my hair once a week and shower every other day. I have curly hair so it doesn't really get greasy and I try to avoid washing it because it dries out my hair so much.
last night ! i have one every day, morning or evening shower depends on my plans for the day (i was just working from home today so i'm fine showering in the evening)
Last night, but I try to wash my hair every other day. I think if I wash it every day it might dry out my hair too much, and I don't want to waste too much product.
Last night, a few hours before bed. I’ve never liked taking showers in the morning (they feel so cold :c), so I always shower in the evening or at night if possible! There’s just something so soothing about being able to climb into bed freshly showered, all of the stresses from the day washed away, ready to start the next day anew and clean.

I shower every other day (unless I need a shower more often, like during the summer), and wash my hair every 2-3 days. I’d wash my hair every day if I could, but my hair is a little too fragile and brittle for that. Every 2-3 days is a nice compromise for me.
I shower every evening. I used to take them in the morning but evening is more goated
i literally. just got out of the shower. i shower every day and wash my hair every other day because it gets oily quick
earlier today. i had a day off so i postponed it a little lol but i shower everyday before i go anywhere
an hour ago; I shower atleast once a day, usually in the evenings and wash my hair every other day or if I’m lazy I’ll wait 2 days before I wash my hair again.