Where do you lay on the political spectrum?

Where do you lay, politically?

  • Far-left

    Votes: 15 21.7%
  • Left-ish

    Votes: 30 43.5%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Center-left

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Centrist

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Center-right

    Votes: 4 5.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Right-ish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Far-right

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Apolitical/Nonpolitical

    Votes: 18 26.1%

  • Total voters
I'm very much on the left. I support an overhaul on the health care system, civil rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, federal marijuana decriminalization and legalization, reasonable gun laws, women's right to choose, workers' rights, all that stuff. I also feel that a great many issues we face today are due to outsized corporate power and influence on government. I have a general distrust of business as a result, and want the rich and their business interests to be well regulated and for them to pay their fair share instead of hoarding their wealth.

I like to live by the sayings "treat others as you want to be treated" and "love your neighbor as yourself", so that brought me to the left. I just want everyone to be able to live as freely and as happily as they can without the fears of bankruptcy over medical debt, the government or fellow citizens taking their rights away, the government simply existing as a plutocratic arm of the business class at the expense of everyone else, or that climate change will make their lives, their children's lives, and their children's childen's lives harder.

Unfortunately, as Envy pointed out:

By US standards, I'm "far" left. But the US's political system is skewed far right. In a more sane nation, I'd likely be centrist - leaning left. The US is just so messed up right now that basic decency is considered far left, and true far left has no presence in our government. In fact, I'm left wondering what it even is. It's mythological in the US. LOL.
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radically socialist as an idealist

in practice somewhere left-authoritarian on certain economic policy and socially open to most anything if sometimes just by pure thought exercise if not purely anarchistic in questioning the ethos of moderate democrats and the right-wing circus that governs me in the States. i don't like mistreatment or neglect of oppressed groups

if i must vote, have to support the most progressive wing of the D's or left leaning independent social democratic types if i need to sacrifice soul for pragmatism lol
I consider myself a libertarian. I know third parties have absolutely no chance of winning any big election, but it feels good knowing I'm voting my conscious each time. I can't help but feel my vote is useless, though. I'm better off just voting left, which in my mind, is the lesser of two evils. I don't like either, but the right is worse at this point in time.

My family is very far right but my dad states that he is okay with LGBT+ people. Although I don't think he fully understands and shrugs it off, I'm happy it's not an issue. He makes slightly transphobic comments in general, though not towards me, so I don't know?
Somewhere between centre left and far left. As others have pointed out, in the US I would be considered very far left. But currently in the NZ system, I sit with parties that are in the centre left (borderline far left tbh).
Liberal. I used to be more conservative as a teenager, but the older I’ve grown, the more liberal I’ve become. (sounds backwards I know lol)
Had to take an online quiz/test for this as I don’t know much about the American political spectrum. As another user said I think what the US classifies as far left/far right compared to where I’m from is probably quite different. Anyways the quiz said I’m left, so I guess that’s that. All I know for sure and certain is I’m nowhere near right, not in American politics nor in my own country.
Oo I didn't think about finding and taking a quiz. I used This quiz because the questions seemed fair to me and not baited and provides spectrum results instead of just 2 or 3 parties as a result to put you in.
Granted in the USA, where you land on the graph depends how the American people feel about issues currently in the main parties of Republican and Democrats. So you may answer similarly 10 years later and land in a different area of the map, from how I understand this works.
But with it getting close to election time (in USA anyway) it's good to take your time and think about the issues.

---edit addition 10/10---
Here is a graph that has the labels on it I found on Google even though I don't think it is from the quiz. I thought it was best to edit this post to share it rather than kinda randomly plopping it at the bottom of the thread.

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Idek, if someone on the streets randomly came up to me asking that I'd just say no comment cause my views aren't totally one party or the other. Each side has good and bad points, so I can't say I'm entirely one of the other. I also don't know what all the other terms mean-socialist, libertarian, whatever-so I'd certainly not say any of those. I voted non-political cause I kinda am.

But I do agree with others that the two party system is kinda wack.
I don’t consider myself a political person, so I voted for the bottom option. I think both sides of the political spectrum can be extremely chaotic and toxic.

I do have some beliefs that are typically associated with liberals, though, such as supporting LGBTQ, and being pro-choice. However, I prefer to keep politics out of that stuff.
I don’t pay much attention to politics, especially with the ****show they’ve become in the U.S., but I know a lot of my beliefs are associated with the left pretty much everywhere.