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  • Hey, _Donut_! I was making some food, and it got me thinking. I have a dark sense of humor, and I thought what would happen if I saved you irl, but died in the process. But I don’t know your name so my last words are, “goodbye, Donut…” In context it’s really sad, but taken out of context it sounds like I died from eating too many donuts… LOL 😂 ( don’t mind me, this is just where my mind goes when I’m tired 😅 )
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    Reactions: _Donut_
    ...well, good morning to you too! 😂
    As long as the donuts in question were no related to me, you probably had my blessing to eat as many of them as you'd like. However, misjudging the quantity and subsequently dying from it will be entirely on you, so please don't haunt me for it (but don't feel like you can't just visit once in a while 👻). I actually own a legal piece of paper that says I can't be blamed for people overeating donuts because of my name...I keep it under my paper hat 🤫
    And the irl name is Jeffrey by the way, now that we're at it 😅
    Hahahaha, this is the best possible response anyone could have come up with. Carrying a legal document under your hat? 😂

    Yeah, I saw it in your profile, but only after the fact. I go by Riley. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t haunt you… much. 😁
    I was tempting to say my hat IS made from a legal document but since it's a big hat it would be from multiple legal documents and I don't want to reveal yet for what other situations I have the other ones 👀

    And you're always welcome to visit now and then as a ghost, as long as you're a friendly one and dont move my furniture around.. :cool:
    Hey, Donut! I thought I’d stop by your profile and ask how you’re doing. How have you been, my pastry friend? :)
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    Reactions: _Donut_
    Yeah after 2 years being stuck at home due to covid, it'd be nice to finally get away for a bit!
    And with Camp Clues, we'll be taking our revenge...this time it will be our time to shine! 😎
    King koopa
    King koopa
    We just got a letter (3×)
    I wonder who it's from
    I hope I'm on Blue's clues this time as it's my favorite color
    The more the merrier! 💙
    Hiya! I know we've never talked, but every time I see your name around I wonder... what's your favourite kind of donut? I feel like I can't rest until I know 😂
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    Reactions: _Donut_
    Hahaha, you can't go wrong with any donut tbh but if I had to choose a favourite it would probably be one with Kinder bueno filling (there's a store in my city that creates crazy donut creations and their bueno/chocolate/caramel one is my heaven)! you can rest now! 😅
    That sounds fantastic! I love the Kinder bueno filling ^^
    Just thought I would say hi! So erm hi 😂 Hope you are doing ok 💙
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    Reactions: _Donut_
    Hiii Roxxy!! :LOL: I'm doing good, hoping the same for you 💛
    Looking forward for the upcoming tbt events & camp (hopefully we're grouped together again, when we need a cheerleader....we're gonna be golden! 😂)
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    Reactions: Roxxy
    Doing good thanks! Would be fab if we could get a few of the old gang together. You can always count on me and my Pom poms 😂💙
    I’m here again to drop this video on your profile. It’s iconic, much like you. 😁

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    Reactions: _Donut_
    Hahaha, I just woke up and this is going to be stuck in my head now today 😂🤣
    Hi! I just wanted to say your Sans avatar is adorable and I love it. ^_^
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    Reactions: _Donut_
    Haha thanks! 💙
    I was just randomly looking for any blue looking sans and suddenly found this one and went: p e r f e c t i o n 😂
    Yours is so adorable, too! 😍
    Kindred spirits with your underscores and my dashes surrounding our usernames lol

    I know we’ve never spoken but I just noticed how your username is and wanted to come say hi! I hope you’re doing well 💜
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    Reactions: _Donut_
    One of the very first advices I received when I joined here was: "do yourself a favor and don't get involved with collectibles" 😅 I finally understood why...
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    Reactions: -Lumi-
    Honestly!! That’s totally sound advice lol
    I will always yearn for the plushies and beautiful stars but I want art more lol
    Those plushies are indeed adorable! 😭
    Congrats on the MK8 win! 🚙 I can't wait for you to be a small speck ahead of me in the distance when I finally get involved in a few races lol 💪😤
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    Reactions: _Donut_
    I could also be a small speck in the distance behind you... don't jinx me now😂
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    Reactions: 0ni
    you underestimate how terrible I am at mk. And jinx you? who me? 😌 (it wouldn't provide me any advantage anyway LOL)
    A few practice races and you'll be good to go, I'm sure you'll do just fine! :cool:
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    Reactions: 0ni
    You're really great at MK8! You're such a tough cookie to crack since you avoided my tactical blue shell explosion. Good game! It was fun to play for sure. :) It's only just now I realized you're in the same team as me so sorry for sabotaging you lol.
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    Reactions: _Donut_
    Yeah that's what I was thinking the entire game "why is my teammate hurting me :( " 😂 JK...
    And you were amazing as well! Some races just come down to luck (and not being hit by everything & everyone ._.)
    Just stopping by to say I love your username and your user title! Especially your user title. 😂
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