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  • ok, give me a minute to add you, it will be Redbow.
    the beach is available and the bottom half (south of the river) of the map is available as well
    Hi, I apologize for the late reply, I had to go to work, I'm on break but I'll be done in about 5 hours, if you need to use someone else, i understand.
    i’m so sorry for missing you ;_; i’m on now until it’s time for me to leave again at 6am est or i’ll be back after 4pm est this afternoon
    i don’t get home until 4pm est today and i’ll be available for the rest of the evening after that if that works for you c:
    hello! you won my giveaway for the sanrio sets! c: let me know when you're ready and i can drop them off for you (i'm usually available after 4:30-5pm est)
    hello, they're closing the eggshop tomorrow morning,
    be sure to spend your eggs. you have enough for a pikmin or ditto egg, or three zipper sakuras!

    (and pls let me know if you're selling any heh)
    I’m so sorry! I wasn’t available last night (I was a bit busy >.<) but I’m available all day for ya!
    Hello! I was just messaging to see if youd be willing to sell your loveball to me?
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