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  • I been trying all day and he wont ask lol. Im going to bed but I'll get him to leave tomorrow!
    Yeah, I had someone take my Kiki already but her house is still there so Im just staying on the same date until I can take her. I dont want some random to move in. So I can take her in first time she asks to leave
    Okay, do you need me to hold onto Zucker until later on or do you wanna take him the first time he asks to leave?
    hey! Just wanted to check up and make sure there wern't any accidents with Marina q_q
    Aw haha, message me asap after he declares he's leaving, I'm not sleeping until he's in my town :p haha
    Thanks! Don't worry there's no major rush! Just hope he comes soon, I can't wait!! Haha, has bunnies moved in now?
    Oh! Well thank you! I'm looking forward to it. :'3 Anyone else you'd like me to keep an eye out for in the meantime? :D
    Gates are open! Please excuse me messy town hahaha, are you bringing the bells now? I'll be outside the train station, I'll lead you to her house
    Haha, yes! Tonight should be good. Running errands as well, need to go to a meeting -_- I'll probably end up PMing you my number so it's easier to communicate when to go on haha.
    Ok well I have a little problem, my mum is rushing me out of the house. Can we do this tonight and then I'll get Cranston as well? I'll message you when I'm home? Sorry about this!
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